Celor care nu si-au invins inca inertia/sfiiciunea, le prezint un model-sablon de scrisoare verificat, care le-a adus multe "succesuri" expeditorilor.
Pentru azi am ales sa va prezint un model de scrisoare destinata unei personalitati din lumea sportului:
Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs ...(numele adresantului),
I am a huge fan of yours and would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. You have always been my favorite player in ...( precizati sportul respectiv soccer/football/baseball/etc).
My favorite moments in your career were when I saw you (pomeniti un moment semnificativ din cariera sportiva a vedetei).
Congratulations. If you have the time could you please sign the card that I have sent?
It would make a great addition to my collection and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks again for your time and best of luck this season. Take Care.
Your fan,
...(numele expeditorului)
Si o precizare necesara. La formula introductiva, folositi Mr. pentru domni, Miss daca va adresati unei sportive necasatorite si Mrs in cazul in care nu stiti daca sportiva este sau nu casatorita.
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