Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Succes 2011: Victor Wooten, american bass player, composer, author, and producer. Owner of five Grammy Awards

Victor Lemonte Wooten (born September 11, 1964) is an American bass player, composer, author, and producer, and has been the recipient of five Grammy Awards.

Wooten has won the "Bass Player of the Year" award from Bass Player magazine three times in a row, and was the first person to win the award more than once. In addition to a solo career and collaborations with various artists, Wooten has been the bassist for Béla Fleck and the Flecktones since the group's formation in 1988.

In 2008, Wooten joined Stanley Clarke and Marcus Miller to record an album. The trio of bassists, under the name SMV, released Thunder in August 2008 and began a supporting tour the same month.

Wooten was also a judge for the 4th annual Independent Music Awards to support independent artists' careers.

Wooten is most often seen playing Fodera basses, of which he has a signature model. His most famous Fodera, a 1983 Monarch Deluxe which he refers to as "number 1", sports a Kahler Tremolo System model 2400 bridge. Fodera's "Yin Yang" basses (designed/created for Wooten) incorporate the Yin Yang symbol - which Wooten often uses in various media - as a main focal point of the top's design and construction. It is often mistakenly thought that the Yin Yang symbol is painted onto the bass, but in reality, the symbol is created from two pieces of naturally finished wood (Ebony and Holly, for example), fitted together to create the Yin-Yang pattern.

Though Wooten's basses receive much attention, his most frequent and consistent response when asked by his fans about his equipment (or equipment in general) is that "the instrument doesn't make the music ... you do". He'll often go on to state that the most important features to look for in a bass are comfort and playability. During a question and answer session at a 1998 concert, Wooten stated that "If you take a newborn baby and put them on the instrument, they're going to get sounds out of it that I can't get out of it, so we're all the best." This philosophy seems closely related to Wooten's approach to music in general, which is that music is a language. According to Wooten, while speaking or listening, one doesn't focus on the mouth as it is forming words; similarly, when a musician is playing or performing the focus shouldn't be on the instrument.

As well as playing electric bass (both fretted and fretless) and the double bass, Victor also played the cello in high school. He still plays cello occasionally with the Flecktones. This is the instrument to which he attributes his musical training.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Internaționali români de fotbal: Gheorghe Hagi

Gheorghe Hagi (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈɡe̯orɡe ˈhad͡ʒi]; born February 5, 1965 in Săcele) is a former Romanian footballer. He was famous for his passing, close control, long shots and was regarded as one of the best attacking midfielders in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s. Galatasaray fans called him 'Commandante' (The Commander).

Nicknamed "The Maradona of the Carpathians", he is considered a hero in his homeland as well as in Turkey. He has won his country's "Player of the Year" award six times, and is regarded as one of the best football players of the 20th century.

He played for the Romanian national team in three World Cups in 1990, 1994 and 1998, as well as in three European Football Championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He won a total of 125 caps for Romania, being ranked second after Dorinel Munteanu, and scored 35 goals, being ranked first.

In November 2003, to celebrate UEFA's Jubilee, he was selected as the Golden Player of Romania by the Romanian Football Federation as their most outstanding player of the past 50 years.[4] Hagi is one of the few footballers to have played for both the Spanish rival clubs Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.
In March 2004, he was named the 25th among the top 125 living footballers by Pelé.
He started his career playing for the youth teams of Farul Constanţa in the 1970s, before being selected by the Romanian Football Federation to join the squad of Luceafărul Bucureşti in 1980 for two years. In 1982 he returned to Constanţa, but one year later, aged 18, he was prepared to make the step to a top team. He was originally directed to Universitatea Craiova, but chose Sportul Studenţesc of Bucharest instead.

In the winter of 1987 Hagi was transferred to Romanian giants Steaua Bucureşti as the team prepared for their European Super Cup final against FC Dynamo Kyiv. The original contract was for one game only, the final. However after winning the trophy, where Hagi scored the only goal of the game, Steaua did not want to release him back to Sportul Studenţesc and retained him. During his Steaua years (1987–1990), Hagi played 97 Liga I games, scoring 76 goals. He and the team reached the European Cup semifinal in 1988 and the final in the following year. Hagi and Steaua were the champions of Romania in 1987, 1988 and 1989 and as well as winning the Romania Cup in 1987, 1988 and 1989.

After the 1990 World Cup, he was signed by Real Madrid. The La Liga side paid $4.3 million to Steaua Bucureşti for him. Hagi played two seasons with Real Madrid and then was sold to Brescia Calcio.

Hagi started the season 1992–1993 with Brescia Calcio but in the first season the club was relegated to Serie B; in the next season Hagi helped Brescia Calcio win the Italian Serie B and get promoted to Serie A. After performing memorably during the 1994 World Cup, Hagi was signed by FC Barcelona.

After two years at FC Barcelona, Hagi signed for Galatasaray S.K.. At Galatasaray, he was both successful and highly popular among the Turkish supporters. Hagi and manager Fatih Terim built a team that would win four league titles. Over the years, Galatasaray, led by Hagi, managed to win the UEFA Cup after defeating Arsenal in the finals. This was followed by the capture of the European Super Cup with a historic win against Hagi's former club Real Madrid. Both feats were firsts, and remain unmatched in Turkish soccer history.

The mass hysteria caused by these wins in Istanbul raised Hagi's popularity even further with the fans and made French ex-international Luis Fernández to say that "Hagi is like wine, the older it gets, the better it is". In 2000, at the age of 35, Hagi had the best days of his career winning every possible trophy with Galatasaray. When he retired in 2001, he remained one of the most beloved players in the Turkish and Romanian championships.

Hagi made his debut for the Romania national team at the age of 18 in 1983 in a game against Norway played in Oslo. He was part of the Romanian team until 2000.

Hagi led the Romanian team to its best ever international performance at the 1994 World Cup, where the team reached the quarterfinals before Sweden ended their run after winning the penalty shoot-out. Hagi scored three times in the tournament, including a memorable goal in their 3–2 surprise defeat of South American powerhouse and previous runners-up Argentina. In the first of Romania's group stage matches, against Colombia, Hagi scored one of the most memorable goals of that tournament, curling in a 40-yard lob over Colombian goalkeeper Oscar Córdoba who was caught out of position. He was named in the Team of the Tournament.

Four years later, after the 1998 World Cup, Hagi decided to retire from the national team, only to change his mind after a few months and play at the 2000 European Football Championship, during which he was sent off in the quarter-final loss against Italy.

Hagi retired from professional football in 2001, age 36, in a game called "Gala Hagi" on the 24th of April. He still holds the record as Romanian national team top scorer.

Honours as player

Sportul Studenţesc

* Romanian League: Runner-up 1985–86

Steaua Bucureşti

* Romanian League: 1987–88, 1988–88, 1988–89
* Romanian Cup: 1986–87, 1987–88, 1988–89
* European Super Cup: 1986
* European Cup: Runner-up 1988–89

Real Madrid

* Supercopa de España: 1990
* La Liga: Runner-up 1991–92
* Spanish Cup: Runner-up 1991–92


* Anglo-Italian Cup: 1993–94

FC Barcelona

* Supercopa de España: 1994
* Spanish Cup: Runner-up 1995–96


* Turkish Super League: 1996–97, 1997–98, 1998–99, 1999–00
* Turkish Cup: 1998–99, 1999–00
* Turkish Super Cup: 1996, 1997
* UEFA Cup: 1999–00
* UEFA Super Cup: 2000


* Romanian League: Top Scorer 1985, 1986
* European Cup: Top Scorer 1988
* Romanian Footballer of the Year: 1985, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000
* FIFA World Cup All-Star Team: 1994
* FIFA 100

As manager


* Turkish Cup: (2005)


Gheorghe Hagi (n. 5 februarie 1965, Săcele, Constanța, jud. Constanța) este un fost fotbalist român, de origine aromână, supranumit Regele fotbalului românesc și Maradona din Carpați. Este cel mai bun marcator din istoria naționalei României cu 35 de goluri înscrise.

Gheorghe Hagi a început să joace fotbal la vârsta de 10 ani, la Farul Constanța, echipă la care a și debutat în Divizia A, la 17 ani. În cariera sa, Hagi a mai evoluat la Sportul Studențesc, Steaua București (cu care a câștigat trei titluri de campion al României, două Cupe și Supercupa Europei, în perioada 1987-1990), Real Madrid, Brescia, Barcelona și Galatasaray (patru titluri de campion al Turciei, o Cupă UEFA și o Supercupă a Europei)[1]. La echipa națională, Hagi a reușit să bifeze 125 de prezențe, cu 35 de goluri marcate.

Ca jucător, Hagi a fost un purtător clasic de număr 10 (conducător de joc) care se remarca în teren prin claritatea paselor trimise către atacanți și șuturile nimicitoare la poartă, atunci când se afla el însuși în poziție de finalizare. Câteva din golurile sale au intrat în istoria fotbalului. Hagi își depășea ușor adversarii prin dribling și găsea deseori de unul singur soluția de rezolvare a unui meci. Deși nu excela la capitolul viteză, se orienta excelent în teren și reușea să fie prezent în cele mai bune poziții, care îi permiteau fie să paseze decisiv, fie să șuteze de la distanță.

Hagi era și un excelent executant de lovituri libere, înscriind numeroase goluri din poziții fixe.

Cariera lui Hagi ca jucător profesionist (sau semi-profesionist - în cazul regimului comunist) poate fi împărțită în mai multe perioade:

1. 1982-1983: debutul. Hagi este remarcat la nivel de juniori, debutează în Divizia A și la echipa Națională.
2. 1983-1988: consacrarea la nivel național, jucând la 2 echipe bucureștene de top. Mai ales la Sportul Studențesc, unde juca rol de "copil teribil", Hagi face câteva meciuri de-a dreptul senzaționale, contribuind decisiv în 1985 la câștigarea titlului de vicecampioni (cea mai bună performanță de până azi a clubului din Regie).

3. 1988-1990: consacrarea la nivel internațional. Hagi joacă o semifinală (în 1988) și o finală de Cupa Campionilor în 1989 (fiind desemnat al doilea jucător ca valoare din competiție, după Marco van Basten) și participă cu România la Cupa Mondială din 1990 - Italia.
4. 1990-1998: anii de maturitate. Hagi este liderul incontestabil al echipei României și contribuie decisiv la cele mai mari succese din istoria Naționalei.
5. 1998-2001: perioada târzie, marcată de o anumită labilitate psihică rezultată, probabil, și din stresul acumulat de-a lungul timpului. Din evenimentele "ciudate" ale acestei perioade putem aminti prima retragere din echipa națională din 1998), decizie asupra căreia Hagi va reveni în 1999 și conflictele tot mai dese cu arbitrii. Hagi a fost eliminat în 2 meciuri foarte importante, finala UEFA din 2000 (câștigată de Galatasaray) și sfertul de finală de la Campionatul European 2000 (pierdut de România, 0-2 cu Italia) și a provocat un scandal imens în Turcia, în 2001, când a fost pe punctul de a bate un arbitru, fiind suspendat 6 etape pentru acest lucru.
În ciuda finalului de carieră, în general Hagi a fost totuși un jucător fair-play, care era penalizat foarte rar de arbitri.

Hagi a debutat la echipa națională la vârsta de 18 ani, pe 10 august 1983 la Oslo, în meciul amical Norvegia - România. Până atunci jucase pentru România în echipa de juniori sub 16 ani (4 meciuri), echipa de juniori sub 17 ani (13 meciuri, 1 gol), echipa de juniori sub 18 ani (32 meciuri, 9 goluri) și echipa olimpică (4 meciuri).
În 1985, pe 16 octombrie, Mircea Lucescu, pe atunci antrenor al echipei naționale, l-a desemnat pentru prima oară pe Hagi căpitan al echipei naționale. Hagi avea doar 20 de ani și meciul, disputat pe stadionul 23 August împotriva Irlandei de Nord, era decisiv pentru calificarea la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal din Mexic - 1986. Evoluția lui Hagi a fost foarte ștearsă și mulți au criticat la acea vreme decizia lui Lucescu. Cert este că vreme de câțiva ani căpitanul "de drept" al echipei naționale a devenit portarul Silviu Lung, un jucător mult mai matur și mai experimentat decât Hagi. Totuși, după retragerea lui Silviu Lung (în 1990), Hagi a devenit repede căpitanul de drept al naționalei. A fost de 65 de ori căpitanul echipei naționale, conducând din teren echipa României la 2 Cupe Mondiale (1994 - USA și 1998 - Franța) și la 2 Campionate Europene (1996 - Anglia și 2000 - Belgia și Olanda).

De asemenea, a mai participat cu România și la Campionatul European din 1984 - Franța (ca rezervă) și la Cupa Mondială din 1990 - Italia (ca titular). Pe 24 aprilie 2001 Gheorghe Hagi se retrage din echipa națională de fotbal României. La ultimul meci al lui Hagi pentru România au participat 80.000 de fani din toată țara.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Succes 2011: Gheorghe Hagi - perioada Galatasaray Istanbul

Gheorghe Hagi (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈɡe̯orɡe ˈhad͡ʒi]; born February 5, 1965 in Săcele) is a former Romanian footballer. He was famous for his passing, close control, long shots and was regarded as one of the best attacking midfielders in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s. Galatasaray fans called him 'Commandante' (The Commander).
Nicknamed "The Maradona of the Carpathians", he is considered a hero in his homeland as well as in Turkey. He has won his country's "Player of the Year" award six times, and is regarded as one of the best football players of the 20th century.

He played for the Romanian national team in three World Cups in 1990, 1994 and 1998, as well as in three European Football Championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He won a total of 125 caps for Romania, being ranked second after Dorinel Munteanu, and scored 35 goals, being ranked first.
In November 2003, to celebrate UEFA's Jubilee, he was selected as the Golden Player of Romania by the Romanian Football Federation as their most outstanding player of the past 50 years. Hagi is one of the few footballers to have played for both the Spanish rival clubs Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.

In March 2004, he was named the 25th among the top 125 living footballers by Pelé.
He started his career playing for the youth teams of Farul Constanţa in the 1970s, before being selected by the Romanian Football Federation to join the squad of Luceafărul Bucureşti in 1980 for two years. In 1982 he returned to Constanţa, but one year later, aged 18, he was prepared to make the step to a top team. He was originally directed to Universitatea Craiova, but chose Sportul Studenţesc of Bucharest instead.
In the winter of 1987 Hagi was transferred to Romanian giants Steaua Bucureşti as the team prepared for their European Super Cup final against FC Dynamo Kyiv. The original contract was for one game only, the final. However after winning the trophy, where Hagi scored the only goal of the game, Steaua did not want to release him back to Sportul Studenţesc and retained him. During his Steaua years (1987–1990), Hagi played 97 Liga I games, scoring 76 goals. He and the team reached the European Cup semifinal in 1988 and the final in the following year. Hagi and Steaua were the champions of Romania in 1987, 1988 and 1989 and as well as winning the Romania Cup in 1987, 1988 and 1989.
After the 1990 World Cup, he was signed by Real Madrid. The La Liga side paid $4.3 million to Steaua Bucureşti for him. Hagi played two seasons with Real Madrid and then was sold to Brescia Calcio.

Hagi started the season 1992–1993 with Brescia Calcio but in the first season the club was relegated to Serie B; in the next season Hagi helped Brescia Calcio win the Italian Serie B and get promoted to Serie A. After performing memorably during the 1994 World Cup, Hagi was signed by FC Barcelona.
After two years at FC Barcelona, Hagi signed for Galatasaray S.K.. At Galatasaray, he was both successful and highly popular among the Turkish supporters. Hagi and manager Fatih Terim built a team that would win four league titles. Over the years, Galatasaray, led by Hagi, managed to win the UEFA Cup after defeating Arsenal in the finals. This was followed by the capture of the European Super Cup with a historic win against Hagi's former club Real Madrid. Both feats were firsts, and remain unmatched in Turkish soccer history. The mass hysteria caused by these wins in Istanbul raised Hagi's popularity even further with the fans and made French ex-international Luis Fernández to say that "Hagi is like wine, the older it gets, the better it is". In 2000, at the age of 35, Hagi had the best days of his career winning every possible trophy with Galatasaray. When he retired in 2001, he remained one of the most beloved players in the Turkish and Romanian championships.


* Turkish Super League: 1996–97, 1997–98, 1998–99, 1999–00
* Turkish Cup: 1998–99, 1999–00
* Turkish Super Cup: 1996, 1997
* UEFA Cup: 1999–00
* UEFA Super Cup: 2000


* Romanian League: Top Scorer 1985, 1986
* European Cup: Top Scorer 1988
* Romanian Footballer of the Year: 1985, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000
* FIFA World Cup All-Star Team: 1994
* FIFA 100

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Succes 2011: Gheorghe Hagi - perioada Barcelona CF

Gheorghe Hagi (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈɡe̯orɡe ˈhad͡ʒi]; born February 5, 1965 in Săcele) is a former Romanian footballer. He was famous for his passing, close control, long shots and was regarded as one of the best attacking midfielders in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s. Galatasaray fans called him 'Commandante' (The Commander).

Nicknamed "The Maradona of the Carpathians", he is considered a hero in his homeland as well as in Turkey. He has won his country's "Player of the Year" award six times, and is regarded as one of the best football players of the 20th century.

He played for the Romanian national team in three World Cups in 1990, 1994 and 1998, as well as in three European Football Championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He won a total of 125 caps for Romania, being ranked second after Dorinel Munteanu, and scored 35 goals, being ranked first.

In November 2003, to celebrate UEFA's Jubilee, he was selected as the Golden Player of Romania by the Romanian Football Federation as their most outstanding player of the past 50 years. Hagi is one of the few footballers to have played for both the Spanish rival clubs Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.

In March 2004, he was named the 25th among the top 125 living footballers by Pelé.
He started his career playing for the youth teams of Farul Constanţa in the 1970s, before being selected by the Romanian Football Federation to join the squad of Luceafărul Bucureşti in 1980 for two years. In 1982 he returned to Constanţa, but one year later, aged 18, he was prepared to make the step to a top team. He was originally directed to Universitatea Craiova, but chose Sportul Studenţesc of Bucharest instead.

In the winter of 1987 Hagi was transferred to Romanian giants Steaua Bucureşti as the team prepared for their European Super Cup final against FC Dynamo Kyiv. The original contract was for one game only, the final. However after winning the trophy, where Hagi scored the only goal of the game, Steaua did not want to release him back to Sportul Studenţesc and retained him. During his Steaua years (1987–1990), Hagi played 97 Liga I games, scoring 76 goals. He and the team reached the European Cup semifinal in 1988 and the final in the following year. Hagi and Steaua were the champions of Romania in 1987, 1988 and 1989 and as well as winning the Romania Cup in 1987, 1988 and 1989.

After the 1990 World Cup, he was signed by Real Madrid. The La Liga side paid $4.3 million to Steaua Bucureşti for him. Hagi played two seasons with Real Madrid and then was sold to Brescia Calcio.

Hagi started the season 1992–1993 with Brescia Calcio but in the first season the club was relegated to Serie B; in the next season Hagi helped Brescia Calcio win the Italian Serie B and get promoted to Serie A. After performing memorably during the 1994 World Cup, Hagi was signed by FC Barcelona.

After two years at FC Barcelona, Hagi signed for Galatasaray S.K.. At Galatasaray, he was both successful and highly popular among the Turkish supporters. Hagi and manager Fatih Terim built a team that would win four league titles. Over the years, Galatasaray, led by Hagi, managed to win the UEFA Cup after defeating Arsenal in the finals. This was followed by the capture of the European Super Cup with a historic win against Hagi's former club Real Madrid. Both feats were firsts, and remain unmatched in Turkish soccer history.

The mass hysteria caused by these wins in Istanbul raised Hagi's popularity even further with the fans and made French ex-international Luis Fernández to say that "Hagi is like wine, the older it gets, the better it is". In 2000, at the age of 35, Hagi had the best days of his career winning every possible trophy with Galatasaray. When he retired in 2001, he remained one of the most beloved players in the Turkish and Romanian championships.

FC Barcelona

* Supercopa de España: 1994
* Spanish Cup: Runner-up 1995–96

Friday, June 3, 2011

Succes 2011: Gheorghe Hagi - perioada Real Madrid

Gheorghe Hagi (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈɡe̯orɡe ˈhad͡ʒi]; born February 5, 1965 in Săcele) is a former Romanian footballer. He was famous for his passing, close control, long shots and was regarded as one of the best attacking midfielders in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s. Galatasaray fans called him 'Commandante' (The Commander).

Nicknamed "The Maradona of the Carpathians", he is considered a hero in his homeland as well as in Turkey. He has won his country's "Player of the Year" award six times, and is regarded as one of the best football players of the 20th century.

He played for the Romanian national team in three World Cups in 1990, 1994 and 1998, as well as in three European Football Championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He won a total of 125 caps for Romania, being ranked second after Dorinel Munteanu, and scored 35 goals, being ranked first.

After the 1990 World Cup, he was signed by Real Madrid. The La Liga side paid $4.3 million to Steaua Bucureşti for him. Hagi played two seasons with Real Madrid and then was sold to Brescia Calcio.

In November 2003, to celebrate UEFA's Jubilee, he was selected as the Golden Player of Romania by the Romanian Football Federation as their most outstanding player of the past 50 years. Hagi is one of the few footballers to have played for both the Spanish rival clubs Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.

In March 2004, he was named among the top 125 living footballers by Pelé.

Real Madrid

* Supercopa de España: 1990
* La Liga: Runner-up 1991–92
* Spanish Cup: Runner-up 1991–92


Gheorghe Hagi (n. 5 februarie 1965, Săcele, Constanța, jud. Constanța) este un fost fotbalist român, de origine aromână, supranumit Regele fotbalului românesc și Maradona din Carpați. Este cel mai bun marcator din istoria naționalei României cu 35 de goluri înscrise.
Gheorghe Hagi a început să joace fotbal la vârsta de 10 ani, la Farul Constanța, echipă la care a și debutat în Divizia A, la 17 ani[1]. În cariera sa, Hagi a mai evoluat la Sportul Studențesc, Steaua București (cu care a câștigat trei titluri de campion al României, două Cupe și Supercupa Europei, în perioada 1987-1990), Real Madrid, Brescia, Barcelona și Galatasaray (patru titluri de campion al Turciei, o Cupă UEFA și o Supercupă a Europei). La echipa națională, Hagi a reușit să bifeze 125 de prezențe, cu 35 de goluri marcate.

Ca jucător, Hagi a fost un purtător clasic de număr 10 (conducător de joc) care se remarca în teren prin claritatea paselor trimise către atacanți și șuturile nimicitoare la poartă, atunci când se afla el însuși în poziție de finalizare. Câteva din golurile sale au intrat în istoria fotbalului. Hagi își depășea ușor adversarii prin dribling și găsea deseori de unul singur soluția de rezolvare a unui meci. Deși nu excela la capitolul viteză, se orienta excelent în teren și reușea să fie prezent în cele mai bune poziții, care îi permiteau fie să paseze decisiv, fie să șuteze de la distanță.

Hagi era și un excelent executant de lovituri libere, înscriind numeroase goluri din poziții fixe.
Cariera lui Hagi ca jucător profesionist (sau semi-profesionist - în cazul regimului comunist) poate fi împărțită în mai multe perioade:

1. 1982-1983: debutul. Hagi este remarcat la nivel de juniori, debutează în Divizia A și la echipa Națională.
2. 1983-1988: consacrarea la nivel național, jucând la 2 echipe bucureștene de top. Mai ales la Sportul Studențesc, unde juca rol de "copil teribil", Hagi face câteva meciuri de-a dreptul senzaționale, contribuind decisiv în 1985 la câștigarea titlului de vicecampioni (cea mai bună performanță de până azi a clubului din Regie).
3. 1988-1990: consacrarea la nivel internațional. Hagi joacă o semifinală (în 1988) și o finală de Cupa Campionilor în 1989 (fiind desemnat al doilea jucător ca valoare din competiție, după Marco van Basten) și participă cu România la Cupa Mondială din 1990 - Italia.
4. 1990-1998: anii de maturitate. Hagi este liderul incontestabil al echipei României și contribuie decisiv la cele mai mari succese din istoria Naționalei.
5. 1998-2001: perioada târzie, marcată de o anumită labilitate psihică rezultată, probabil, și din stresul acumulat de-a lungul timpului. Din evenimentele "ciudate" ale acestei perioade putem aminti prima retragere din echipa națională din 1998), decizie asupra căreia Hagi va reveni în 1999 și conflictele tot mai dese cu arbitrii. Hagi a fost eliminat în 2 meciuri foarte importante, finala UEFA din 2000 (câștigată de Galatasaray) și sfertul de finală de la Campionatul European 2000 (pierdut de România, 0-2 cu Italia) și a provocat un scandal imens în Turcia, în 2001, când a fost pe punctul de a bate un arbitru, fiind suspendat 6 etape pentru acest lucru.

În ciuda finalului de carieră, în general Hagi a fost totuși un jucător fair-play, care era penalizat foarte rar de arbitri.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Succes 2011: Rafał Blechacz, the sole recipient of all five first prizes at the 15th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition

Rafał Blechacz (born June 30, 1985 Nakło n. Notecią, Poland) is a Polish classical pianist.
On October 21, 2005, he became the sole recipient of all five first prizes at the 15th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw, taking First Prize and the polonaise, mazurka, sonata, and concerto prizes. According to ABC News, one of the judges, Professor Piotr Paleczny, said that Blechacz "so outclassed the remaining finalists that no second prize could actually be awarded." Another judge, the distinguished Irish pianist John O'Conor, said "He is one of the greatest artists I have had a chance to hear in my entire life," according to PBS. Blechacz was the first Pole to win the prize (given every five years) since 1975, when Krystian Zimerman won.

Blechacz completed his secondary education in the National Arthur Rubinstein Music School in Bydgoszcz and in May 2007 he graduated from the Feliks Nowowiejski Music Academy in Bydgoszcz with professor Katarzyna Popowa-Zydroń. He is also a winner of second prize at the Artur Rubinstein in Memoriam Piano Competition in Bydgoszcz (2002), 4th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition (2003), and a winner of the Grand Prix at the International Piano Competition in Morocco in 2004.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Succes 2011: Garry Kasparov, the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion. The first world chess champion to lose a match to a computer under standard time controls, when he lost to Deep Blue in 1997

Two signed photos received after email request.
Garry Kimovich Kasparov, born Garry Kimovich Weinstein, 13 April 1963, Baku, Azerbaijan) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) chess grandmaster, a former World Chess Champion, writer, and political activist, generally considered to be the greatest Chess player of all time.
Kasparov became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at the age of 22. He held the official FIDE world title until 1993, when a dispute with FIDE led him to set up a rival organization, the Professional Chess Association. He continued to hold the "Classical" World Chess Championship until his defeat by Vladimir Kramnik in 2000. He is also widely known for being the first world chess champion to lose a match to a computer under standard time controls, when he lost to Deep Blue in 1997.

Kasparov's ratings achievements include being rated world #1 according to Elo rating almost continuously from 1986 until his retirement in 2005 and holding the all-time highest rating of 2851. He was the world number-one ranked player for 255 months, by far the most of all-time and nearly three times as long as his closest rival, Anatoly Karpov. He also holds records for consecutive tournament victories and Chess Oscars.

From 1984 to 1990, Kasparov was a member of the Central Committee of Komsomol and a CPSU member.
Kasparov announced his retirement from professional chess on 10 March 2005, to devote his time to politics and writing. He formed the United Civil Front movement, and joined as a member of The Other Russia, a coalition opposing the administration of Vladimir Putin. He was a candidate for the 2008 Russian presidential race, but later withdrew. Widely regarded in the West as a symbol of opposition to Putin, Kasparov's support in Russia is low.

In 2007, he was ranked 25th in The Daily Telegraph's list of 100 greatest living geniuses.

He coached Magnus Carlsen from March 2009 through March 2010.

As a teenager, Kasparov twice tied for first place in the USSR Chess Championship, in 1980–81 and 1981–82. His first win in a superclass-level international tournament was scored at Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1982. He earned a place in the 1982 Moscow Interzonal tournament, which he won, to qualify for the Candidates Tournament. At age 19, he was the youngest Candidate since Bobby Fischer, who was 15 when he qualified in 1958. At this stage, he was already the #2-rated player in the world, trailing only World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov on the January 1983 list.

Kasparov's first (quarter-final) Candidates match was against Alexander Beliavsky, whom he defeated 6–3 (four wins, one loss).[18] Politics threatened Kasparov's semi-final against Viktor Korchnoi, which was scheduled to be played in Pasadena, California. Korchnoi had defected from the Soviet Union in 1976, and was at that time the strongest active non-Soviet player. Various political maneuvers prevented Kasparov from playing Korchnoi, and Kasparov forfeited the match. This was resolved by Korchnoi allowing the match to be replayed in London, along with the previously scheduled match between Vasily Smyslov and Zoltan Ribli. The Kasparov-Korchnoi match was put together on short notice by Raymond Keene. Kasparov lost the first game but won the match 7–4 (four wins, one loss).

In January 1984, Kasparov became the number-one ranked player in the world, with a FIDE rating of 2710. He became the youngest ever world number-one, a record that lasted 12 years until being broken by Vladimir Kramnik in January 1996; the record is currently held by his former pupil, Magnus Carlsen.

Later in 1984, he won the Candidates' final 8½–4½ (four wins, no losses) against the resurgent former world champion Vasily Smyslov, at Vilnius, thus qualifying to play Anatoly Karpov for the World Championship. That year he joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), as a member of which he was elected to the Central Committee of Komsomol in 1987.

The World Chess Championship 1984 match between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov had many ups and downs, and a very controversial finish. Karpov started in very good form, and after nine games Kasparov was down 4–0 in a "first to six wins" match. Fellow players predicted he would be whitewashed 6–0 within 18 games.

In a strange period, there followed a series of 17 successive draws, some relatively short, and others drawn in unsettled positions. He lost game 27, then fought back with another series of draws until game 32, his first-ever win against the World Champion. Another 15 successive draws followed, through game 46; the previous record length for a world title match had been 34 games, the match of Jose Raul Capablanca vs. Alexander Alekhine in 1927.

Kasparov won games 47 and 48 to bring the scores to 5–3 in Karpov's favour. Then the match was ended without result by Florencio Campomanes, the President of Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE), and a new match was announced to start a few months later. The termination was controversial, as both players stated that they preferred the match to continue. Announcing his decision at a press conference, Campomanes cited the health of the players, which had been strained by the length of the match.

The match became the first, and so far only, world championship match to be abandoned without result. Kasparov's relations with Campomanes and FIDE were greatly strained, and the feud between them eventually came to a head in 1993 with Kasparov's complete break-away from FIDE.
The second Karpov-Kasparov match in 1985 was organized in Moscow as the best of 24 games where the first player to win 12½ points would claim the World Champion title. The scores from the terminated match would not carry over. But in the event of a 12–12 draw, the title would remain with Karpov. On 9 November 1985, Kasparov secured the title by a score of 13–11, winning the 24th game with Black, using a Sicilian defence. He was 22 years old at the time, making him the youngest ever World Champion, and breaking the record held by Mikhail Tal for over 20 years. Kasparov's win as Black in the 16th game has been recognized as one of the all-time masterpieces in chess history.

As part of the arrangements following the aborted 1984 match, Karpov had been granted (in the event of his defeat) a right to rematch. Another match took place in 1986, hosted jointly in London and Leningrad, with each city hosting 12 games. At one point in the match, Kasparov opened a three-point lead and looked well on his way to a decisive match victory. But Karpov fought back by winning three consecutive games to level the score late in the match. At this point, Kasparov dismissed one of his seconds, Grandmaster Evgeny Vladimirov, accusing him of selling his opening preparation to the Karpov team (as described in Kasparov's autobiography Unlimited Challenge, chapter Stab in the Back). Kasparov scored one more win and kept his title by a final score of 12½–11½.

A fourth match for the world title took place in 1987 in Seville, as Karpov had qualified through the Candidates' Matches to again become the official challenger. This match was very close, with neither player holding more than a one-point lead at any time during the contest. Kasparov was down one full point at the time of the final game, and needed a win to draw the match and retain his title. A long tense game ensued in which Karpov blundered away a pawn just before the first time control, and Kasparov eventually won a long ending. Kasparov retained his title as the match was drawn by a score of 12–12. (All this meant that Kasparov had played Karpov four times in the period 1984–1987, a statistic unprecedented in chess. Matches organised by FIDE had taken place every three years since 1948, and only Botvinnik had a right to a rematch before Karpov.)

A fifth match between Kasparov and Karpov was held in New York and Lyon in 1990, with each city hosting 12 games. Again, the result was a close one with Kasparov winning by a margin of 12½–11½. In their five world championship matches, Kasparov had 21 wins, 19 losses, and 104 draws in 144 games.
With the World Champion title in hand, Kasparov began fighting against FIDE—as Bobby Fischer had done 20 years earlier but this time from within FIDE. Beginning in 1986, he created the Grandmasters Association (GMA), an organization to represent professional chess players and give them more say in FIDE's activities. Kasparov assumed a leadership role. GMA's major achievement was in organizing a series of six World Cup tournaments for the world's top players. A somewhat uneasy relationship developed with FIDE, and a sort of truce was brokered by Bessel Kok, a Dutch businessman.

This stand-off lasted until 1993, by which time a new challenger had qualified through the Candidates cycle for Kasparov's next World Championship defense: Nigel Short, a British Grandmaster who had defeated Anatoly Karpov in a qualifying match, and then Jan Timman in the finals held in early 1993. After a confusing and compressed bidding process produced lower financial estimates than expected,[20] the world champion and his challenger decided to play outside FIDE's jurisdiction, under another organization created by Kasparov called the Professional Chess Association (PCA). This is where a great fracture in the lineage of World Champions began.

In an interview in 2007, Kasparov would call the break with FIDE the worst mistake of his career, as it hurt the game in the long run.

Kasparov and Short were ejected from FIDE, and played their well-sponsored match in London. Kasparov won convincingly by a score of 12½–7½. The match considerably raised the profile of chess in the UK, with an unprecedented level of coverage on Channel 4. Meanwhile, FIDE organized a World Championship match between Jan Timman (the defeated Candidates finalist) and former World Champion Karpov (a defeated Candidates semifinalist), which Karpov won.

There were now two World Champions: PCA champion Kasparov, and FIDE champion Karpov. The title would remain split for 13 years.

Kasparov defended his title in a 1995 match against Viswanathan Anand at the World Trade Center in New York City. Kasparov won the match by four wins to one, with thirteen draws. It was the last World Championship to be held under the auspices of the PCA, which collapsed when Intel, one of its major backers, withdrew its sponsorship in retaliation for Kasparov's choice to play a 1996 match against Deep Blue, which augmented the profile of IBM, one of Intel's chief rivals.

Kasparov tried to organize another World Championship match, under another organization, the World Chess Association (WCA) with Linares organizer Luis Rentero. Alexei Shirov and Vladimir Kramnik played a candidates match to decide the challenger, which Shirov won in a surprising upset. But when Rentero admitted that the funds required and promised had never materialized, the WCA collapsed.
This left Kasparov stranded, and yet another organization stepped in—BrainGames.com, headed by Raymond Keene. No match against Shirov was arranged, and talks with Anand collapsed, so a match was instead arranged against Kramnik.

During this period, Kasparov was approached by Oakham School in the United Kingdom, at the time the only school in the country with a full-time chess coach,[23] and developed an interest in the use of chess in education. In 1997, Kasparov supported a scholarship programme at the school.
The Kasparov-Kramnik match took place in London during the latter half of 2000. Kramnik had been a student of Kasparov's at the legendary Botvinnik/Kasparov chess school in Russia, and had served on Kasparov's team for the 1995 match against Viswanathan Anand.

The better-prepared Kramnik won Game 2 against Kasparov's Grünfeld Defence and achieved winning positions in Games 4 and 6. Kasparov made a critical error in Game 10 with the Nimzo-Indian Defence, which Kramnik exploited to win in 25 moves. As White, Kasparov could not crack the passive but solid Berlin Defence in the Ruy Lopez, and Kramnik successfully drew all his games as Black. Kramnik won the match 8½–6½, and for the first time in 15 years Kasparov had no world championship title. He became the first player to lose a world championship match without winning a game since Emanuel Lasker lost to Capablanca in 1921.

After losing the title, Kasparov won a series of major tournaments, and remained the top rated player in the world, ahead of both Kramnik and the FIDE World Champions. In 2001 he refused an invitation to the 2002 Dortmund Candidates Tournament for the Classical title, claiming his results had earned him a rematch with Kramnik.
Kasparov and Karpov played a four game match with rapid time controls over two days in December 2002 in New York City. Karpov surprised the experts and emerged victoriously, winning two games and drawing one.

Due to Kasparov's continuing strong results, and status as world #1 in much of the public eye, he was included in the so-called "Prague Agreement", masterminded by Yasser Seirawan and intended to reunite the two World Championships. Kasparov was to play a match against the FIDE World Champion Ruslan Ponomariov in September 2003. But this match was called off after Ponomariov refused to sign his contract for it without reservation. In its place, there were plans for a match against Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner of the FIDE World Chess Championship 2004, to be held in January 2005 in the United Arab Emirates. These also fell through due to lack of funding. Plans to hold the match in Turkey instead came too late. Kasparov announced in January 2005 that he was tired of waiting for FIDE to organize a match and so had decided to stop all efforts to regain the World Championship title.
After winning the prestigious Linares tournament for the ninth time, Kasparov announced on 10 March 2005, that he would retire from serious competitive chess. He cited as the reason a lack of personal goals in the chess world (he commented when winning the Russian championship in 2004 that it had been the last major title he had never won outright) and expressed frustration at the failure to reunify the world championship.

Kasparov said he may play in some rapid chess events for fun, but intends to spend more time on his books, including both the My Great Predecessors series (see below) and a work on the links between decision-making in chess and in other areas of life, and will continue to involve himself in Russian politics, which he views as "headed down the wrong path".

Kasparov has been married three times: to Masha, with whom he had a daughter before divorcing; to Yulia, with whom he had a son before their 2005 divorce; and to Daria, with whom he also has a child.