Monday, November 8, 2010

Succes 2010: Ron Carter, jazz living legend. Most-recorded bassists in jazz history

Ron Carter is an American jazz double-bassist. His appearances on over 2,500 albums make him one of the most-recorded bassists in jazz history, along with Milt Hinton, Ray Brown and Leroy Vinnegar. Carter is also an acclaimed cellist who has recorded numerous times on that instrument.
His first jobs as a jazz musician were with Jaki Byard and Chico Hamilton. His first records were made with Eric Dolphy (another former member of Hamilton's group) and Don Ellis, in 1960. His own first date as leader, Where?, with Dolphy and Mal Waldron and a date also with Dolphy called Out There with George Duvivier and Roy Haynes and Carter on cello; its advanced harmonics and concepts for 1961 were reminiscent of the then current third stream movement. Carter came to fame via the second great Miles Davis quintet in the early 1960s, which also included Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Tony Williams.
Carter joined Davis's group in 1963, appearing on the album Seven Steps to Heaven and the follow-up E.S.P., the latter being the first album to feature only the full quintet. It also featured three of Carter's compositions (the only time he contributed compositions to Davis's group). He stayed with Davis's regular group until 1968 (when he was replaced by Dave Holland), and participated in a couple of studio sessions with Davis in 1969 and 1970. Although he played electric bass occasionally during this period, he has subsequently eschewed that instrument entirely, and now plays only acoustic bass. Carter was close to Davis and even revealed to an interviewer in 1966 that the famous trumpeter's favorite color was fuchsia.
Carter also performed on some of Hancock, Williams and Shorter's recordings during the sixties for Blue Note Records. He was a sideman on many Blue Note recordings of the era, playing with Sam Rivers, Freddie Hubbard, Duke Pearson, Lee Morgan, McCoy Tyner, Andrew Hill, Horace Silver and others.
After leaving Davis, Carter was for several years a mainstay of CTI Records, making albums under his own name and also appearing on many of the label's records with a diverse range of other musicians. Notable musical partnerships in the 70's and 80's included Joe Henderson, Houston Person, Hank Jones, and Cedar Walton. During the 1970s he was a member of the New York Jazz Quartet.
He appears on the alternative hip-hop group A Tribe Called Quest's influential album The Low End Theory on a track called "Verses from the Abstract". He also appears as a member of the jazz combo The Classical Jazz Quartet.
In 1994, Carter appeared on the Red Hot Organization's compilation album, Stolen Moments: Red Hot + Cool. The album, meant to raise awareness and funds in support of the AIDS epidemic in relation to the African American community, was heralded as "Album of the Year" by Time Magazine.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Succes 2010: James Moody, jazz legend

James Moody was an American jazz saxophone and flute player. He was best known for his hit "Moody's Mood for Love," an improvisation based on "I'm in the Mood for Love"; in performance, he often improvised vocals for the tune.
James Moody was born in Savannah, Georgia. Growing up in New Jersey, he was attracted to the saxophone after hearing George Holmes Tate, Don Byas, and various saxophonists who played with Count Basie, and later also took up the flute. He joined the US Army Air Corps in 1943 and played in the "negro band" on the segregated base.Following his discharge from the military in 1946 he played be-bop with Dizzy Gillespie for two years. Moody later played with Gillespie in 1964, where his colleagues in the Gillespie group, pianist Kenny Barron and guitarist Les Spann, would be musical collaborators in the coming decades.
In 1948 he recorded his first session for Blue Note Records, the first in a long recording career playing both saxophone and flute. That same year he relocated to Europe, where he stayed for three years, saying he had been "scarred by racism" in the U.S. His European work, including the first recording of "Moody's Mood for Love" saw him add the alto saxophone to his repertoire and helped to establish him as recording artist in his own right, and were part of the growth of European jazz. Then in 1952 he returned to the U.S. to a recording career with Prestige Records and others, playing flute and saxophone in bands that included musicians such as Pee Wee Moore and others. In the 1960s he rejoined Dizzy Gillespie. He later worked also with Mike Longo.
In a 1998 interview with Bob Bernotas, Moody stated that he believed jazz has definite spiritual resonance.
The James Moody Quartet (with pianist Renee Rosnes, bassist Todd Coolman, and drummer Adam Nussbaum) was Moody's vehicle later is his career.. Moody played regularly with Dizzy Gillespie Alumni All-Stars and the Dizzy Gillespie Alumni All-Stars Big Band and also often collaborated with former Gillespie alumnus, the trumpeter-composer-conductor Jon Faddis; Faddis and Moody worked in 2007 with the WDR Big Band in Cologne, Germany under the direction of Michael Abene.
On November 3, 2009, Moody appeared live in an interview conducted in both Italian and English (Moody spoke Italian) with the jazz aficionado, Nick "The Nightfly", on Radio Monte Carlo's late-night "Monte Carlo Nights" program. The chat featured an amiable Moody talking about his career.
Moody was married to Linda Moody; they resided in San Diego. He was an active member of the Bahá'í Faith. In 2005, the Moodys established the Moody Scholarship Fund at the Conservatory of Music at Purchase College-SUNY; the first Moody Scholars, named in 2007, are saxophonist Andrew Gould and trumpeter Maxilmilien Darche. Moody was an NEA Jazz Master and often participated in educational programming and outreach, including with the International Association for Jazz Education, or IAJE.
PS Am primit acest autograf la cateva zile dupa ce sotia jazzmanului anunta ca sotul sau sufera de cancer pancreatic si ca a ales sa nu urmeze un tratament agresiv. Mr Moodie a murit in 9 decembrie 2010.

Succes 2010: Let There Be Rock! Steve Hackett (ex-Genesis)

Steve Richard Hackett este un faimos compozitor și chitarist englez. Hackett a cunoscut celebritatea ca membru al formației Genesis, al cărui membru a fost din 1970. Hackett a părăsit formația în 1977, pentru a începe o carieră solo.
Hackett a contribuit la 6 albume de studio marca Genesis, 3 albume live şi 7 single-uri.
În 1986, chitaristul britanic a fondat supertrupa GTR, împreună cu monstrul sacru Steve Howe, fost membru al celebrelor trupe Yes şi Asia. La plecarea lui Hackett din GTR, în 1987, grupul s-a destrămat.
Hackett a ales apoi o carieră solo, stilurile sale preferate fiind progressive rock, world music şi clasic. A fost inclus în Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, ca membru al Genesis, în 2010.
A cântat şi în România, în 19 iulie 2008, la Festivalul de Jazz de la Gărâna, alături de trupa maghiară Djabe. Autograf solicitat prin email.

Succes 2010: Eric Maskin, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru Economie (2007)

Eric Stark Maskin este un economist american, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru economie în anul 2007. Maskin a împărțit premiul Nobel pentru științe economice cu alți doi economiști americani Leonid Hurwicz și Roger Myerson.
Una dintre cele mai interesante opinii ale lui Maskin este că patentele software inhibă inovaţiile în loc să stimuleze progresul.
Autograf solicitat prin email.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Succes 2010: Dr. Sabine Bergmann-Pohl, ultimul preşedinte al Republicii Democrate Germane

Sabine Bergmann-Pohl este un politician german, membra a Uniunii Crestin-Democrate (CDU). A fost presedinta Camerei Populare a Republicii Democrate Germane din aprilie pana in octombrie 1990, si deci ultimul sef de stat al DDR.
Dupa reunificarea Germaniei, a facut parte din guvernul cancelarului Helmut Kohl.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Succes 2010: Robert C. Merton, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru Economie (1997)

La trei luni dupa ce l-am contactat prin email pe laureatul premiului Nobel pentru Economie in 1997, Mr Merton a binevoit sa-mi trimita nu una, ci doua fotografii cu autograf. Ca un bonus total neasteptat, am primit si un flyer de la hotelul din Stockholm unde acesta a fost cazat cand a primit premiul Nobel. Pe hartia cu antetul hotelului, Mr Merton a notat ecuatia cu care a castigat voturile juriului Nobel. O piesa de colectie inedita si extrem de valoroasa pentru un colectionar - si nu numai...

Via Venue: Colorado

Gazde ale unor evenimente care va vor facilita transferul corespondentei catre cei carora le solicitati autografe:

-Boulder Theatre (foto)


-Denver Coliseum

-Fiddler's Green Amphitheater

-Fillmore Auditorium

-Pepsi Center

-Red Rock Ampitheatre

-The Grizzly Rose

Gazde ale unor evenimente care e posibil sa NU va faciliteze transferul corespondentei catre cei carora le solicitati autografe:

-The Black Sheep

Ce-i scriem unei vedete? Epistola a II-a

Pentru a avea succes atunci cand solicitati prin posta sau e-mail un autograf unei persoane careia va adresati in limba lui Shakespeare trebuie sa ii trimiteti o scrisoare bine ticluita, care sa il/o convinga ca merita efortul de a va semna fotografiile, de a face un drum la posta, de a schimba cupoanele IRC (daca nu stiti ce-s alea, cautati postarea referitoare la acestea din ianuarie) pe care i le-ati trimis in timbre si de a expedia scrisoarea. Celor care nu si-au invins inca inertia/sfiala, le prezint un model-sablon de scrisoare verificat.

Pentru azi am ales sa va prezint un model schematic de scrisoare destinata unui actor, sau unei vedete din lumea muzicii:

Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs ...(numele adresantului),

I have been a fan of yours for years, and have enjoyed your many [movies, songs, etc.] My favorite is [mentionati cantecul/filmul favorit].

I was wondering if you would mind sending me your autograph. I have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience.

I hope to hear from you soon, and deeply appreciate your generosity in fulfilling this request.

Thank you.


(numele expeditorului)

Revin cu o precizare necesara. La formula introductiva, folositi Mr. pentru domni, Miss daca va adresati unei vedete necasatorite si Mrs in cazul in care nu stiti daca vedeta este sau nu casatorita.

Succes 2010: The Amazing Kreskin. Mentalistul de serviciu. Un Iosefini made in USA

George Joseph Kresge este un mentalist (cititor de gânduri) care a devenit popular în USA în anii '70, datorită showului The Amazing World of Kreskin Mentalistul este încă activ, apărând în fiecare an la Fox News şi CNN, în decembrie, pentru a face previziuni privind noul an. Popularitatea sa a fost atat de mare incat si-a schimbat numele in The Amazing Kreskin.
Kreskin nu pretinde că ar avea puteri paranormale sau că ar fi clarvăzător, ci spune că face predicţii.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Succes 2010: Gordon Ramsay, cel mai apreciat "chef" din lume

In luna martie am inceput un proiect referitor la cei mai apreciati 10 bucatari din lume la aceasta ora. Ineditul Top 10 - cu care sunt de acord mai toti specialistii in gastronomie -arata asa:

1. Gordon Ramsay - britanic, singurul chef caruia i s-au acordat 10 stele de catre ghidul Michelin

2. Paul Bocuse - parintele artei culinare franceze. Creatorul supei V.G.E (initialele fostului presedinte francez Valéry Giscard d'Estaing)

3. Bobby Flay - american, scriitor si personalitate TV

4. Anthony Bourdain - director executiv al renumitului restaurant Les Halles din New York City. Absolvent al Culinary Institute of America, titular a doua emisiuni TV faimoase: Travel Channel's cookery si Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations.

5. Rocco DiSpirito - la 16 ani, Rocco intra la prestigiosul Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park. A absolvit in 1986 , iar apoi a studiat la Jardin de Cygne in Franta. DiSpirito a devenit faimos datorita meniurilor sale italo-americane ca si pentru fusion cooking.

6. Thomas Keller - proprietar al The French Laundry din Napa Valley, Yountville, California, Bouchon din Las Vegas, Per Se si Bouchon Bakery. Perla coroanei este restaurantul sau The French Laundry

7. Wolfgang Puck - american de origine austriaca, stabilit in LA. S-a constatat recent ca e cel mai bine platit chef din lume. Printre restauantele sale se numara: Spago, Cut, Chinois,Postrio, Wolfgang Puck Express si Wolfgang Puck Café.

8. Todd English - traieste in Boston, Massachusetts si este, printre altele, gazda emisiunii TV Cooking with Todd English. Proprietar al faimosului restaurant Olives, din Charlestown

9. Emeril John Lagasse - proprietarul a multe restaurante de top mondial, toate in USA, foarte apreciate de critica de specialitate

10. Charlie Trotter - licentiat in stiinte politice, s-a aventurat in lumea gastronomiei in 1982, la Chicago

Azi e o zi mare pentru acest proiect, pentru ca tocmai am primit fotografia purtand autograful lui
Gordon Ramsay, nimeni altul decat locul 1 in Top 10 al expertilor gastronomi. S-a completat astfel podiumul topului, Bocuse si Flay fiind prezentati deja in postarile anterioare.

Via Venue: California

Gazde ale unor evenimente care va vor facilita transferul corespondentei catre cei carora le solicitati autografe:

-Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre (cunoscut si ca Coors Amphitheatre) foto
-Cox Arena
-The Fillmore
-Grammy Museum
-Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
-Hollywood Bowl
-Honda Center
-The Jumping Turtle
-Key Club
-The Konocti Harbor Resort
-Nokia Theatre L.A. Live
-Pacific Amphitheater
-San Diego Civic Theatre
-Savemart Center
-Shoreline Amphitheatre
-Skriball Cultural Center (Los Angeles)
-Verizon Wireless Amphitheater (cunoscut si ca Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre)
-William Saroyan Theatre

Gazde ale unor evenimente care NU va vor facilita transferul corespondentei catre cei carora le solicitati autografe:

-Arco Arena
-Club Nokia at LA
-Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk
-The Grove at Anaheim
-House of Blues Anaheim
-House of Blues San Diego
-House of Blues Sunset Strip
-HP Pavilion
-ipayOne Center
-The Knitting Factory
-Mezzanine Theatre
-The Mint
-Oracle Arena
-Rabobank Arena
-San Diego Arena
-Staples Center
-The Warfield Theatre

Dicţionar de corespondenţe: TLS

TLS - acronim de la Typed Letter Signed: scrisoare redactata la computer sau la masina de scris, dar semnata olograf de subiect