Showing posts with label caricaturist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caricaturist. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Succes 2010: Jean Galvão, caricaturist brazilian

Jean Carlos Galvão has been a cartoonist for 17 years. He started drawing cartoons for workers’ unions, later, he had his comical cartoons published daily in the newspaper “Vale Paraibano” of São José dos Campos, where he lives. He has achieved some prizes and among them, the Vladimir Herzog of Human Rights. In 1997 he released a book, a compilation of comical cartoons. He collaborated with the magazine Veja and Bundas and with the newspapers “Jornal do Brasil” and O Pasquim21. Nowadays, he has his comical cartoons published in the Newspaper Folha de São Paulo and illustrations and weekly comic strips in the magazine Recreio, Abril Publisher.
These original drawings I receved were published in a children magazine from Brazil called Recreio.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Succes 2010: Maciej Trzepalka, caricaturist polonez

Maciej Trzepalka este un caricaturist polonez din Zabrze, absolvent de filologie,ilustrator de carti. A participat la numeroase expozitii internationale, unde a castigat, printre altele:

Diploma de onoare - Humorkompaniet (Sweden 2003 )

Premiul al II lea- Humorkompaniet (Sweden 2004)

LM-China - Premiile de excelenta in anii 2003 si 2004

Premiul I - Humorest - Hradec Kralove 2006

Monday, June 7, 2010

Succes 2010: Alecrim, caricaturist brazilian

Alecrim Costa e un caricaturist brazilian din Rio de Janeiro. Nascut in 1963, a avut sansa ca, la 17 ani, sa-l intalneasca pe mentorul sau intr-ale caricaturii, Ziraldo. A colaborat cu ziare si reviste precum "Pasquim21", "O Cometa", "Revista BUNDAS", "Jornal do Brasil". a publicat cartile "Humor Brasil 500 Anos", "2001 Uma Odisséia no Humor", "Humor Pela Paz", "Fome de Ver Estrela" si "Internet@Humor".