Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Success 2011: Eva Marie Saint, a classic actress with an Oscar and two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Eva Marie Saint (born July 4, 1924) is an American actress who has starred in films, on Broadway, and on television in a career spanning seven decades. She won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama film On the Waterfront (1954), and later starred in the thriller film North by Northwest (1959), directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Saint received Golden Globe and BAFTA award nominations for the drama film A Hatful of Rain (1957) and won an Emmy Award for the television miniseries People Like Us (1990). Her film career also includes roles in Raintree County (1957), Because of Winn-Dixie (2005), and Superman Returns (2006).

Saint was born in Newark, New Jersey, the daughter of Eva Marie (née Rice) and John Merle Saint. She attended Bethlehem Central High School in Delmar, New York, graduating in 1942. Eva Marie was inducted into the high school's hall of fame in 2006. She studied acting at Bowling Green State University, while a member of Delta Gamma Sorority. There is a theater on Bowling Green's campus named for her. She was an active member in the theater honorary fraternity, Theta Alpha Phi and served as Secretary of the Bowling Green Student Government in 1944.

Saint's first feature-film role was in On the Waterfront (1954), directed by Elia Kazan and starring Marlon Brando - a performance for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Her role as Edie Doyle (whose brother's death sets the film's drama in motion), which she won over such leading contenders as Claire Trevor, Nina Foch, Katy Jurado, and Jan Sterling also earned her a British Academy of Film and Television Award nomination for "Most Promising Newcomer." In his New York Times review, film critic Bosley Crowther wrote:

"In casting Eva Marie Saint - a newcomer to movies from TV and Broadway - Mr. Kazan has come up with a pretty and blond artisan who does not have to depend on these attributes. Her parochial school training is no bar to love with the proper stranger. Amid scenes of carnage, she gives tenderness and sensitivity to genuine romance."

In a 2000 interview in Premiere magazine, Saint recalled making the hugely influential film:
“Kazan put me in a room with Marlon Brando. He said 'Brando is the boyfriend of your sister. You're not used to being with a young man. Don't let him in the door under any circumstances'. I don't know what he told Marlon; you'll have to ask him - good luck! Brando came in and started teasing me. He put me off-balance. And I remained off-balance for the whole shoot.”

The watershed success of the film launched Saint into many of the best known films of her early screen career. They include starring with Don Murray in the pioneering drug-addiction drama, A Hatful of Rain (1957), for which she received a nomination for the "Best Foreign Actress" award from the British Academy of Film and Television, and the lavish Civil War epic Raintree County, opposite Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift.

Director Alfred Hitchcock surprised many by choosing Saint over dozens of other candidates for the femme fatale role in what was to become a suspense classic North by Northwest (1959) with Cary Grant and James Mason. Written by Ernest Lehman, the film updated and expanded upon the director's early "wrong man" spy adventures of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, including The 39 Steps, Young and Innocent, and Foreign Correspondent. North by Northwest became a box-office hit and an influence on spy films for decades. The film ranks number forty on the American Film Institute's list of the 100 Greatest American Movies of All Time.

At the time of the film's production, much publicity was garnered by Hitchcock's decision to cut Saint's waist-length blonde hair for the first time in her career. Hitchcock explained at the time, "Short hair gives Eva a more exotic look, in keeping with her role of the glamorous woman of my story. I wanted her dressed like a kept woman - smart, simple, subtle and quiet. In other words, anything but the bangles and beads type." The director also worked with Saint to make her voice lower and huskier and even personally chose costumes for her during a shopping trip to Bergdorf Goodman in New York City.

The change in Saint's screen persona, coupled with her adroit performance as a seductive woman of mystery who keeps Cary Grant (and the audience) off-balance, was widely heralded. In his New York Times review of August 7, 1959, critic Bosley Crowther wrote, "In casting Eva Marie Saint as [Cary Grant's] romantic vis-a-vis, Mr. Hitchcock has plumbed some talents not shown by the actress heretofore. Although she is seemingly a hard, designing type, she also emerges both the sweet heroine and a glamorous charmer." In 2000, recalling her experience making the picture with Cary Grant and Hitchcock, Saint said, "[Grant] would say, 'See, Eva Marie, you don't have to cry in a movie to have a good time. Just kick up your heels and have fun.' Hitchcock said, 'I don't want you to do a sink-to-sink movie again, ever. You've done these black-and-white movies like On the Waterfront. It's drab in that tenement house. Women go to the movies, and they've just left the sink at home. They don't want to see you at the sink.' I said, 'I can't promise you that, Hitch, because I love those dramas.'"

Although North by Northwest might have propelled her to the top ranks of stardom, she elected to limit film work in order to spend time with her husband since 1951, director Jeffrey Hayden, and their two children. Nevertheless, in the 1960s, Saint continued to distinguish herself in both high-profile and offbeat pictures. She co-starred again with Paul Newman in the historical drama about the founding of the state of Israel Exodus (1960), directed by Otto Preminger. She also co-starred with Warren Beatty, Karl Malden and Angela Lansbury as a tragic beauty in the drama All Fall Down (1962). Based upon a novel by James Leo Herlihy and a screenplay by William Inge, the film was directed by John Frankenheimer.

She was seen with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in the melodrama The Sandpiper for Vincente Minnelli, and with James Garner in the World War II thriller 36 Hours (1964), directed by George Seaton. Saint joined an all-star cast in the comedic satire The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, directed by Norman Jewison and the international racing drama Grand Prix (1966) presented in Cinerama and directed by Frankenheimer.

Saint received some of her best reviews[citation needed] for her appearance in Loving (1970), co-starring as the wife of George Segal in a critically acclaimed but underseen drama about a commercial artist's relationship with his wife and other women. Because of the mostly second-rate film roles that came her way in the 1970s, Saint returned to television and the stage in the 1980s. She appeared in a number of made-for-television films and played the mother of Cybill Shepherd on the television series Moonlighting over a three-year period. She received an Emmy nomination for the 1977 miniseries How The West Was Won, and a 1978 Emmy nomination for Taxi!!!.
Saint returned to the big screen for the first time in over a decade as Tom Hanks' mother in the Garry Marshall-directed comedy Nothing in Common (1986). Critics applauded her return to features, but Saint was soon back on the small screen in numerous projects.

After receiving five nominations, Saint won her first Emmy Award for the 1990 miniseries film People Like Us. She appeared in a number of television productions in the 1990s and was cast as the mother of Frasier Crane's radio producer, Roz Doyle, in a 1999 episode of the hit comedy series Frasier.

In 2000, she returned to feature films once again in I Dreamed of Africa with Kim Basinger. In 2005 she co-starred with Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard in Don't Come Knocking. Also in 2005, she appeared in the family film Because of Winn-Dixie, co-starring Annasophia Robb, Jeff Daniels and Cicely Tyson.

In 2006, Saint appeared in Superman Returns, as Martha Kent, the adoptive mother of Superman, alongside Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, and a computer-generated performance from her On The Waterfront co-star Marlon Brando.
Saint has appeared in a number of television specials and documentaries, particularly in the past decade, including The Making of North by Northwest, which she narrated and hosted. In 2009, she made a rare public appearance at the 81st Academy Awards ceremony as a Best Supporting Actress presenter. In 2011, Saint participated in two screenings of North by Northwest with Robert Osborne.

She has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, for motion pictures at 6624 Hollywood Boulevard, and television at 6730 Hollywood Boulevard.

Saint has also been confirmed to appear in the 2012 Nickelodeon animated series Avatar: The Legend of Korra, which is a sequel to the hit TV Show Avatar: The Last Airbender. It is not yet known what role she will play in the series.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Succes 2010: Sophia Loren sau cum a luat Oscarul fiica sosiei lui Greta Garbo

Cea care avea sa devina sex-simbolul Italiei a plecat la 15 ani către Roma în cautarea succesului. Împreună cu mama sa, care în 1932 câștigase un concurs ca sosie a Gretei Garbo, a debutat în filmul Quo Vadis?. A participat la mai multe concursuri de frumusețe printre care și Misss Italia în 1950 (unde a câștigat titlul de Miss Eleganza, titlu creat special pentru ea).

In 1953 joacă în filmul lui Giovanni Roccardi, Africa sotto i mari unde îl întâlnește pe cel care va deveni apoi soțul său, producătorul Carlo Ponti, care a rămas impresionat de potențialul său și i-a oferit un contract pe șapte ani.
S-a căsătorit de două ori cu Carlo Ponti, prima dată în septembrie 1957, dar din moment ce, în acea perioadă, divorțul nu era legal în Italia, cuplul riscă să fie acuzat de concubinaj (Loren) și de bigamie (Ponti). Astfel cei doi au emigrat în Franța unde au devenit cetățeni francezi și Ponti a putut să divorțeze de soția lui Giuliana Fiastri și s-au căsătorit pe data de 9 aprilie 1966 la Sevres (Franța).
Din acest moment cariera Sofiei a cunoscut o ascensiune fulminanta. Apariția ei pe coperta celebrei reviste Life Magazine în 1955 marchează începutul carierei internaționale, datorită frumuseții sale, precum și a talentului său înnăscut ca actriță.
Începând cu 1956 interpretează și în limba engleză în principalele producții din SUA
În timp, se va afirma din ce în ce mai mult ca un simbol al cinematografiei italiene în lume; definitiva consacrare ca actriță va veni cu Premiul Oscar câștigat în 1961 pentru interpretarea din filmul său simbol La ciociara de Vittorio De Sica într-un rol care fusese refuzat de Anna Magnani.
Împărțită între Italia și Hollywood joacă în numeroase filme de succes alături de cele mai mari staruri mondiale, filme conduse de regizori ca: Vittorio De Sica, Mario Monicelli, Ettore Scola, Dino Risi, Mario Camerini, Charlie Chaplin, Sidney Lumet, George Cukor, Michael Curtiz, Anthony Mann și André Cayatte. Interpretează roluri în opt filme regizate de Vittorio De Sica, completată deseori de actorul Marcello Mastroianni.
Nicio actriță italiană n-a ajuns vreodată la o asemenea popularitate internațională.
În 1982 în urma vechilor probleme cu fiscul italian, este acuzată de evaziune fiscală și închisă, rămânând timp de 17 zile în penitenciarul din Caserta. Responsabilitatea evaziunii fiscale a fost atribuită apoi impresarului său, dar nu i-a fost ușor să remonteze proasta publicitate.
În anii 80' s-a ocupat aproape numai de participarea la producții TV: Sophia: Her Own Story film autobiografic pentru televiziunea americană după romanul omonim, Madre coraggio (1986), Mamma Lucia și remake-ul filmului La ciociara (1988) de Dino Risi: singura excepție a fost filmul Qualcosa di biondo (1984) în care joacă alături de fiul său Edoardo.
În 1994 Robert Altman a distribuit-o în filmul Prêt à porter.
În anul următor a fost partenera lui Jack Lemmon și Walter Matthau în That's amore - Due improbabili seduttori, iar în 1997 a interpretat rolul de mamă a unui băiat evreu care voia să devină comunist, în filmul Soleil de Roger Hanin.
În 2002 a jucat în Cuori estranei, regizat de fiul sau Edoardo Ponti, iar în 2004 a jucat în filmul Peperoni ripieni e pesci in faccia de Lina Wertmulle. Dar cel mai mare succes îl va avea în serialul TV Francesca e Nunziata (2001) iar în 2004 joacă alături de Sabrina Ferilli în La terra del ritorno.
A interpretat rolul unei maici într-o reclama tv împreuna cu Christian De Sica și Elisabetta Canalis.
În 2006 a pozat pentru Calendario Pirelli 2007.
În februarie 2007 a jucat in filmul Saturno Contro de Ferzan Ozpetek, coloana sonoră a filmului fiind melodia Zoo be zoo be zoo interpretată de Sophia.
În 2009, după o absență destul de mare din lumea cinematografiei este chemată de Rob Marshall pentru a o interpreta pe mama protagonistului în Nine, omagiu muzical al filmului 8½, regizat de Fellini.
In 2010 se reintoarce il lumina reflectoarelor și devine protagonista miniseriei La mia casa è piena di specchi , inspirată din cartea autobiografica a surorii sale Maria Silicone . Sophia o interpretează pe mama sa Romilda .