Thursday, December 2, 2010

Succes 2010: Brian Auger - de la jazz la Hendrix

Brian Auger este un muzician celebru pentru interpretarile sale la keyboard in compozitii de jazz si rock. Orga sa favorita poarta marca Hammond.
Un artist polivalent, Auger a concertat alaturi de artisti precum Rod Stewart, Tony Williams, Jimi Hendrix, Sonny Boy Williamson, Led Zeppelin, Eric Burdon. Interpretarile sale, in care a excelat in jazz, British pop, R&B, soul music si rock i-au adus o nominalizare la Grammy.


1965 - Don't Send Me No Flowers - Sonny Boy Williamson
1965 - Attention!
1965-1969 - The Mod Years (Complete singles, B-sides, and rare tracks)
1967 - Open (Trinity's first album)
1968 - Definitely What
1969 - Streetnoise (double album)
1969/1970 - Befour (Last Brian Auger Trinity album)
1970 - Oblivion Express (First Oblivion Express album)
1971 - A Better Land (Oblivion Express)
1972 - Second Wind (Oblivion Express)
1973 - Closer To It (Oblivion Express)
1975 - Straight Ahead (Oblivion Express)
1975 - Live Oblivion Volume 1
1975 - Live Oblivion Volume 2
1975 - Reinforcements (Oblivion Express)
1976 - Best of Brian Auger (double album)
1975 - Happiness Heartaches (Oblivion Express)
1978 - Encore[2] - Brian Auger & Julie Tippetts (Reunion album)
1980 - Search Party
1982 - Here and Now
1987 - Keys to the Heart
1990 - Super Jam
1993 - Access All Areas: Live - Eric Burdon/Brian Auger Band (double album)
1993 - Tony Williams: Live in Tokyo 1978
1998 - Blue Groove - Karma Auger
1999 - Voices of Other Times (Oblivion Express)
2001 - Soft & Furry - Ali Auger
2004 - Auger Rhythms: Brian Augers Musical History (The Trinity, Julie Driscoll, Oblivion Express)
2005 - Brian Auger: Insights of the Keyboard Master (DVD)
2005 - Looking In the Eye of the World (Oblivion Express)
2005 - Live at the Baked Potato (Oblivion Express) Double CD
2005 - Live at the Baked Potato (Oblivion Express) DVD

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Succes 2010: Dave Williams, astronaut canadian

In his impressive career as a member of the Canadian Astronaut Corps, Dr. Williams flew two Space Shuttle Missions.
Selected as an astronaut by the Canadian Space Agency in 1992, Dr. Williams participated in Neurolab, a 16-day mission in 1998, flying aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. He and seven crewmembers served as both experiment subjects and operators for 26 life science experiments focused on the effects of microgravity on the brain and the nervous system.
Dr. Williams was appointed Director of NASA's Space and Life Sciences Directorate at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, and then Deputy Associate Administrator for Crew Health and Safety of the Office of Space Flight at NASA Headquarters, while he continued active astronaut training.
Dr. Williams has also participated in two underwater missions, one as Commander. The NEEMO missions assessed the potential of space-delivered tele-medicine as a way to deliver medical care to remote locations, important, as well, for the future of extended spaceflight.
In August 2007, Dr. Williams completed his second spaceflight as a mission specialist on STS-118, where he established a Canadian record of 17 hours and 47 minutes in three spacewalks accomplished in one mission, supporting construction of the International Space Station.
In all Dr. Dave Williams has flown more than 18 million kilometres and spent 28 days, 15 hours, 45 minutes and 33 seconds in space.
Dr. Dafydd "Dave" Williams retired from active astronaut status in March 1, 2008.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Succes 2010: Mario Vargas Llosa by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Mario Vargas Llosa a fost realizata in 1974, la Calafell. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Friday, November 26, 2010

Succes 2010: Ernesto Sábato by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Giuseppe Ungaretti a fost realizata in 1965, la Roma. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Ernesto Sabato (June 24, 1911 – April 30, 2011) was an Argentine writer and painter. According to the BBC he "won some of the most prestigious prizes in Hispanic literature" and "became very influential in the literary world throughout Latin America". Upon his death El País dubbed him the "last classic writer in Argentine literature".
Sabato was distinguished by his bald pate and brush moustache and wore tinted spectacles and open-necked shirts.He was born in Rojas, a small town in Buenos Aires Province. Sabato began his studies at the Colegio Nacional de La Plata. He then studied physics at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, where he earned a Ph.D. He then attended the Sorbonne in Paris and worked at the Curie Institute. After World War II, he lost faith in science and started writing.
Sabato's oeuvre includes three novels: El Túnel (1948), Sobre héroes y tumbas (1961) and Abaddón el exterminador (1974). The first of these received critical acclaim upon its publication from, among others, fellow writers Albert Camus and Thomas Mann.. The second is regarded as his masterpiece, though he nearly burnt it like many of his other works.Sabato's essays cover topics as diverse as metaphysics, politics and tango. His writings led him to receive many international prizes, including the Legion of Honour (France), the Prix Médicis (Italy) and the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (Spain).
On the request of President Raúl Alfonsín he presided over the CONADEP commission that investigated the fate of those who suffered forced disappearance during the Dirty War of the 1970s. The result of these findings was published in 1984 bearing the title Nunca Más (Never Again).

Succes 2010: Andre Malraux by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Andre Malraux a fost realizata in 1968, la Paris. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Succes 2010: Heidi & Alvin Toffler, inventatorii futurologiei

Alvin Toffler este un cunoscut scriitor și futurolog american.
De mai mult de patru decenii, Alvin Toffler este una dintre cele mai influente și autorizate voci din domeniul afacerilor și din cel intelectual. Odată cu publicarea primei sale lucrări, "Șocul viitorului", Toffler a creat o noua disciplină, futurologia, prin studiul schimbării și impactul acesteia asupra afacerilor și culturii. Acesta are un rol de definire a forțelor și tendințelor ce ne modelează viitorul în economia actuală bazată pe informații. În afară de Șocul viitorului și Al treilea val, Alvin și Heidi Toffler (soția și partenera intelectuală a acestuia de 51 de ani) au scris și alte cărți, printre care se numără Război și antirăzboi, Puterea în mișcare și, recent, Crearea unei noi civilizații.
Toffler este un important consultant pentru comunitățile militare și de spionaj din lume, laureat al Fundatiei McKinsey pentru contribuția în literatură și de asemenea co-președinte onorific al Comitetului American privind Dezvoltarea Fondului Națiunilor Unite pentru Femei. Alvin Toffler deține diplome onorifice în literatură, drept, ștințe, și management de la Universitatea Keio din Japonia.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Succes 2010: Jean-Paul Sartre by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Jean-Paul Sartre a fost realizata in 1965, la Roma. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Succes 2010: Umberto Eco by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Umberto Eco a fost realizata in 2003, la Frankfurt. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Succes 2010: Gabriel García Marquez by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Gabriel García Marquez a fost realizata in 1972, la Calafell. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Monday, November 22, 2010

Succes 2010: Julio Cortazar by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Julio Cortazar a fost realizata in 1974, la Saignon. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Succes 2010: Simone de Beauvoir by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Simone de Beauvoir a fost realizata in 1965, la Roma. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik

Succes 2010: Jorge Luis Borges by Mario Muchnik

Fotografia lui Jorge Luis Borges a fost realizata in 1971, la Buenos Aires. Semnata de autor, Mario Muchnik