“The postman wants an autograph. The cab driver wants a picture. The waitress wants a handshake. Everyone wants a piece of you.” John Lennon
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Succes 2010: Dan Aykroyd, un ghostbuster celebru
Daniel Edward "Dan" Aykroyd, CM (born July 1, 1952) is a Canadian comedian, singer, actor and screenwriter. He was an original cast member of Saturday Night Live, an originator of The Blues Brothers (with John Belushi) and Ghostbusters, and has had a long career as a film actor and screenwriter. In 1990, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Driving Miss Daisy.
Aykroyd was good friends with John Belushi. According to Aykroyd, it
was his first meeting with Belushi that helped spark their popular Blues Brothers
act. When they met in a club Aykroyd frequented, Aykroyd put on a blues
record to play in the background, and it stimulated a fascination with
blues in Belushi, who was primarily a fan of heavy rock bands at the
time. Aykroyd educated Belushi on the finer points of blues music and,
with a little encouragement from then-SNL music director Paul Shaffer, it led to the creation of their Blues Brothers characters. Backed by such experienced professional R&B sidemen as lead guitarist Steve Cropper, sax man Lou Marini, trumpeter Alan Rubin and bass guitarist Donald "Duck" Dunn,
the Blues Brothers proved more than an SNL novelty. Taking off with the
public as a legitimate musical act, they performed live gigs and
released the hit album Briefcase Full of Blues in 1978, and were further popularized in a 1980 film. The Blues Brothers Band continues to tour today, featuring original members Cropper and Marini, along with vocalist Eddie Floyd.
Early in the incarnation of the Blues Brothers, Belushi joined the
Grateful Dead on stage on April 2, 1980, for a rendition of "Good
Morning Little School Girl" at the Capitol Theatre in Passaic, N.J
(coinciding with the Dead performing on SNL that weekend). Belushi sang
the part usually carried by the late Dead band member "Pigpen."
Cherokee Studios in Los Angeles was a regular haunt for the original Blues Brothers back in the early days of the band. Belushi and Aykroyd became fixtures at the recording studio, while fellow Blues Brother Steve Cropper called Cherokee his producing home. Whenever they needed a bass player, they were joined by another Blues Brother, Donald "Duck" Dunn. During this time, Cropper along with producing partner and Cherokee owner Bruce Robb worked on a number of music projects with the two comedians/musicians, including Belushi's favourite band Fear and later Aykroyd's movie Dragnet.
Aykroyd and Belushi were scheduled to present the Academy Award for
Visual Effects in 1982, but Belushi died only a few weeks prior to the
ceremony. Though devastated by his friend's death, Aykroyd presented the
award alone, remarking from the stage "My partner would have loved to
have been here to present this, given that he was something of a visual
effect himself." Not a few years before, when he and Belushi were making
an appearance on the Today show, he referred to them as "kindred
spirits." In the biography "Belushi", Aykroyd claims that Belushi was
the only man he could ever dance with.
In 1992, Aykroyd, along with many other notable music and Hollywood personalities, founded the House of Blues. Its mission is to promote African-American cultural contributions of blues music and folk art.
From 2004 until its sale to Live Nation in 2007, it was the
second-largest live music promoter in the world, with seven venues and
22 amphitheaters in the United States and Canada. Aykroyd also
contributes his voice to the weekly House of Blues Radio Hour, which he hosts in the character of Elwood Delaney aka Elwood Blues.
This show is hosted in the United Kingdom (from 16 July 2012) on Jazz FM. Today, the Blues Brothers still tour. Aykroyd still performs as
Elwood back with Belushi's younger brother James Belushi, who plays
"Brother Zee" on stage. They are almost always backed by The Sacred
Hearts Band.

Cherokee Studios in Los Angeles was a regular haunt for the original Blues Brothers back in the early days of the band. Belushi and Aykroyd became fixtures at the recording studio, while fellow Blues Brother Steve Cropper called Cherokee his producing home. Whenever they needed a bass player, they were joined by another Blues Brother, Donald "Duck" Dunn. During this time, Cropper along with producing partner and Cherokee owner Bruce Robb worked on a number of music projects with the two comedians/musicians, including Belushi's favourite band Fear and later Aykroyd's movie Dragnet.

Dan Aykroyd,
Succes 2010: Joan Rivers, actrita americana
* Once Upon a Coffee House (1965)
* The Swimmer (1968)
* Rabbit Test (1978) (also director and writer)
* Uncle Scam (1981)
* The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984)
* Les Patterson Saves the World (1987)
* Spaceballs (1987) (voice)
* Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special (1988)
* Honey, I Shrunk The Kids (1989) (voice)
* Look Who's Talking (1989) (voice)
* Public Enemy #2 (1993)
* Serial Mom (1994)
* Napoleon (1995) (voice)
* Goosed (1999)
* The Intern (2000)
* Whispers: An Elephant's Tale (2000) (voice)
* The Making and Meaning of 'We Are Family' (2002) (documentary)
* Hip! Edgy! Quirky! (2002)
* Shrek 2 (2004) (voice)
* First Daughter (2004)
* The Last Guy on Earth (2007)
* Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work (2010) (documentary on Rivers)
Joan Rivers
Succes 2010: David Silva, international spaniol castigator al Campionatului European de Fotbal in 2008
Succes 2010: Ann-Margret - Viva Elvis & Las Vegas
Actriţă suedeză de film si cantareata, Ann-Margret a cunoscut celebritatea dupa ce a jucat in Bye, Bye Birdie, Viva Las Vegas, The Cincinnati Kid, Carnal Knowledge si Tommy. De-a lungul carierei a castigat cinci Golden Globe Awards. A fost nominalizata de doua ori la Oscar, de doua ori la premiile Grammy, o data la Screen Actors Guild Award, de cinci ori la Emmy Awards.
In 1993, Ann-Margret a jucat in Morocanosii, celebrul film cu Walter Matthau si Jack Lemmon.
In timpul filmarilor la Viva Las Vegas, Ann a avut o idila cu Elvis. Acesta este unul dintre motivele pentru care este sufocata cu corespondenta de fanii americani, cultul pentru Elvis determinandu-i pe unii amatori sa inventeze domenii de colectionare derivate din pasiunea pentru regele rock and roll-ului. Asa ca Ann este inclusa, cu sau fara voia ei - in colectia tematica "Iubitele lui Elvis". O colectie cu - nu e cazul suedezei! - foarte multe necunoscute...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Succes 2010: Greg Norman, Marele Rechin Alb al golfului
Greg Norman e un jucator de golf si antreprenor australian. In cariera sa de jucator de golf s-a mentinut 331 de saptamani pe primul loc in lume. Este poreclit Marele Rechin Alb datorita stilului sau agresiv de joc si a parului blond.
In casa din Florida a lui Norman a cazut pe scari Bill Clinton, presedintele Us avand atunci nevoie de o interventie chirurgicala imediata la tendoanele unui genunchi.
Succes 2010: Oliver Schopf, caricaturist al cotidianului austriac Der Standarde
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Efectele erupţiei vulcanului Eyjafjallajökull asupra scoliozei dorsale a factorului poştal din cartierul Iosefin
Voi ce ati facut "de nor"? Nu-mi spuneti ca n-ati fost afectati deloc-deloc, ca nu va cred. Pana si pe saracii americani i-a torturat vulcanul Eyjafjallajökul (eyja (genitivul plural de la ey, care inseamna insula), fjalla (genitivul plural de la fjall, adica munti) si jökull (adica ghetar). Desi norul n-a ajuns in America, yankeii au fost dati, totusi, peste cap de... dificultatea de a pronunta numele muntelui care scuipa fum. Dar, oameni practici, au gasit solutia: l-au rebotezat urgent, codificat, ca-n armata: E-15. E de la initiala si 15 de la numarul literelor.
Daca cei mai multi europeni au scapat dupa ce le-a pus vulcanul un pic de cenusa in cap, unii au pierdut slujbe din pricina aeroporturilor inchise, iar columbofilii s-au ingrijorat pentru campionii lor cu pene.
Postasul meu s-a bucurat degeaba marti, miercuri si joi, zile in care nu mi-a adus nici o scrisoare. Trebuia sa i se inchine lui Eyjafjallajökul pentru asta, ca vulcanul n-a lasat avioanele sa zboare.
Dar a venit si ziua de azi, cand nefericitul a trebuit sa-i bage in tolba nu mai putin de 26 de plicuri doar pentru mine, intarziate in cine stie ce colturi al lumii (expresia asta trebuie sa fie foarte veche, in orice caz e de dinainte de a se fi descoperit ca pamantul e rotund) din pricina eruptiei. Cum in curand se anunta noi evenimente vulcanice, e foarte probabil ca Mr. Postman din cartierul Iosefin sa-si ia rapid un concediu medical, pentru a duce tratative de nebeligerantza cu scolioza sa dorsala mica si scumpa, intr-o statiune balneara cu reducere pentru pensionari.
...adevarul e ca nu mi-am inchipuit niciodata ca niste diafane emailuri trimise in cele doua Americi, Africa sau Australia se pot transforma, ca un bumerang, in perverse instrumente de tortura pentru scolioza incipienta a unui vecin de cartier. Da' nu-mi pare rau deloc: daca dl postas ar fi fost curios sa afle ce inseamna chestia aia scrisa cu litere mari si rosii -"DO NOT BEND" - pe plicurile care-mi ajung intacte pana in buza cutiei postale, pentru a fi indoite de omul-cu-tolba, nu mi-as fi pus mintea cu el. Asa, cu o eruptie de ajutor din partea amicului Eyjafjallajökull, i-am facut-o si eu. Un fleac, l-am indoit!
PS Cu posta de seara mi-au mai sosit doua plicuri cu autografe, din Belgia si USA. Unul dintre acestea este al excelentei jucatoare de tenis din Belgia Yanina Wickmayer. Pentru ca a fost obtinut prin intermediul sponsorului sau, o companie de lenjerie intima, fotografia o infatiseaza pe sportiva in.. sutien. Ceea ce, dupa parerea mea, n-o va impiedica pe Yanina sa devina numarul 1 mondial in tenis peste 3-4 ani...
Lista completa:
Lahna Turner
HR Horvitz, Nobel prize winner
Rod Stewart
Ben Stiller
Matthew Fox
Drew Barrymore
Benicio del Toro
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Jennifer Aniston
Tom Jones
Elisha Cuthbert
Candice Bergen
Cybill Sheperd
Don Johnson
Hale Berry
Carmen Electra
Michelle Williams
Ed O'Neill
Lisa Kudrow
Christian Slater
Poppy Montgomery
Juliette Lewis
Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Henry Winkler
Matt Leblanc
Fred Savage
Yanina Wickmayer
RJ Roberts, Nobel prize winner
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Esec 2010: Nelson Mandela, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru Pace in 1993
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