Saturday, March 19, 2011

Succes 2011: Anni-Frid Lyngstad (ABBA). Her Serene Highness Princess Anni-Frid Synni Reuss of Plauen

Anni-Frid Prinzessin Reuss von Plauen (born Anni-Frid Synni Lyngstad, 15 November 1945 in Bjørkåsen, Ballangen, Norway), also known as "Frida" Lyngstad, is a Norwegian/Swedish singer of Norwegian/German origin. She was one of the four members of Swedish pop group ABBA.

She is formally styled Her Serene Highness Princess Anni-Frid Synni Reuss of Plauen following her marriage to a German prince of the former sovereign House of Reuss in 1992.

Her first album, Frida, produced by her then-fiancé Andersson, was released in 1971. The album received unanimously generous praise from the critics and the press, who especially noted the precision and versatility of Lyngstad's voice. For example Swedens biggest morningpaper "Dagens Nyheter" (Daily News) wrote: "Professional, sure and certain LP-debut...low-key but self-assured personality with sprinkles of temperament, humor and tenderness. And she sings in such a way that you understand that she´s got something between her ears - she sings, in other words, in a very intelligent way".She now scored her first Swedish No.1 hit with "Min Egen Stad" ("My Own Town"). All four future members of ABBA sang back-up vocals on this song. The album is now included in the EMI compilation Frida 1967-1972.

Anni-Frid continued to play in cabarets, and tour and regularly perform on TV and radio. Subsequently, her relationship with Andersson, and friendship with Björn Ulvaeus and Agnetha Fältskog led to the formation of ABBA. In 1972, after five years at EMI Sweden, Lyngstad changed record companies and moved to the Polar Music label. She recorded the single "Man Vill Ju Leva Lite Dessemellan", which became her second No. 1 hit on the Swedish charts.
Her next solo album in Swedish, was Frida ensam (Frida Alone), produced by Benny Andersson. By now, she was already involved in ABBA. This album includes her successful Swedish version of "Fernando", which became a huge hit in Sweden. In Sweden, Frida's "Fernando" stayed at the no. 1 spot in the Svensktoppen radio charts for 9 weeks, but was never released as a single. The album was recorded between sessions of the ABBA albums "Waterloo" and "ABBA". Due to the rising popularity of the group, the album took 18 months to record. It became an enormous commercial and critical success in Sweden, topping the Swedish album charts for six weeks and remaining in the charts for 38. The album was mostly a collection of covers of songs by artists like the Beach Boys, 10cc and David Bowie, receiving positive reviews from Melody Maker: "The album portrays Frida as a very strong and emotive singer and shows the true value of the music, that if sung properly and with enough feeling it transcends all language barriers". This album was such a big success, it eventually went platinum.

At first, Lyngstad was hesitant to perform with her boyfriend Benny Andersson, his best friend Björn Ulvaeus and his girlfriend, Agnetha Fältskog.Their first project together was the cabaret act Festfolk, which flopped in the winter of 1970–1971. The following year, 'Frida' toured on her own while the other three future ABBA members started performing together on a regular basis. Eventually, she rejoined them. Andersson and Ulvaeus were busy producing other artists, but soon discovered the qualities of Lyngstad's and Fältskog's voices combined: ABBA came to life. With her warm mezzo-soprano voice, Frida contributed lead vocals to some of ABBA's biggest hits like "Fernando", "Money, Money, Money", "Super Trouper", "I Have a Dream", "Knowing Me, Knowing You" and shared lead vocals with Agnetha Fältskog on "Mamma Mia", "Waterloo", "Dancing Queen", "The Name of the Game", "Voulez-Vous", "Summer Night City" and others. She became known as 'the brunette' or 'the redhead' of the girls, always surrounded by an air of elegance and beauty. Lyngstad clearly enjoyed the spotlight more than the other three members of ABBA. She truly liked to tour and to meet audience members one-on-one. She took an active part in co-designing the famed ABBA costumes for their tours and TV performances. Since the members of ABBA went their separate ways, Anni-Frid Lyngstad has been the only one who openly regrets there never have been a reunion to date.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Succes 2011: Roger Federer, deținător al recordului pentru cele mai multe victorii în turneele de Mare Șlem

Roger Federer este jucător elvețian de tenis de câmp, în prezent clasat pe locul 2 ATP. Este deținător al recordului pentru cele mai multe victorii în turneele de Mare șlem, cu 16 astfel de succese, și în Turneul Campionilor, cu cinci trofee. A fost pentru mai mult de cinci ani lider al clasamentului mondial al tenismenilor profesioniști.


* Clasament ATP
o A ocupat primul loc în clasamentul mondial masculin pentru un număr record în istoria tenisului de 237 săptămâni consecutive, între 2 februarie 2004 și 17 august 2008, detronându-l pe americanul Jimmy Connors (160 săptămâni) și ulterior a mai condus ierarhia timp de un an, între iunie 2009 și iunie 2010, oprindu-se la un total de 285 de săptămâni, cu o săptămână mai puțin decât recordul absolut deținut de Pete Sampras.
o Cele mai multe puncte deținute la sfârșitul anului - singur

* Mare Șlem
o Victorie în 16 turnee de Mare Șlem. Precedentul record era deținut de americanul Pete Sampras, cu 14 succese
o A jucat în 22 finale de Mare Șlem - Precedentul record era deținut de cehul Ivan Lendl, cu 19 prezențe în finală
o Este primul jucător din toate timpurile care a câștigat cel puțin 50 de meciuri de simplu la trei turnee de Mare Șlem, cu un record impresionant de 54-7 la Australian Open, 55-6 la Wimbledon și 56-6 US Open
o A jucat 23 de semifinale consecutive în turneele de Mare Șlem, de la Wimbledon 2004 până în prezent. Precedentul record, de 10 semifinale consecutive, era deținut de Ivan Lendl și Rod Laver
o De la Wimbledon 2005 până la Australian Open 2008, a jucat 10 finale consecutive în Marele Șlem. Precedentul record îi aparținea lui Rod Laver, 6 finale consecutive
o A câștigat toate cele 4 turnee diferite de Mare Șlem - record pe care îl deține împreună cu:Perry,Budge,Laver,Emerson,Agassi,Nadal
o A câștigat primele șapte turnee de Mare Șlem la care a participat - împreună cu Sears [21]
o A disputat toate cele patru finale de Mare Șlem doi ani consecutiv - singur
o Trei turnee de Mare Șlem câștigate pe an, în trei ani diferiți (2004,2006,2007) - singur [21]
o Cinci titluri consecutive la două turnee de Mare Șlem (Wimbledon,U.S. Open) - singur
o Opt ani consecutiv (2003-2010) în care a câștigat cel puțin un Mare Șlem - împreună cu Borg și Sampras
o Este primul jucător din istoria tenisului care a câștigat minim 4 finale la 3 dintre cele 4 turnee de Mare Șlem: Australian Open 4(5), Roland Garros 1(4), Wimbledon 6(7), U.S. Open 5(6) fiind în același timp și singurul care a jucat minim 4 finale la fiecare dintre cele patru turnee.
o Cele mai multe seturi câștigate consecutiv la turnee de Mare Șlem: 36 - singur
o Pe 8 iulie 2007 a câștigat turneul de tenis de la Wimbledon pentru a cincea oară consecutiv egalând recordul lui Bjorn Borg
o A disputat 4 finale consecutive la Roland Garros - împreună cu Borg și Nadal
o A disputat 7 finale consecutive la Wimbledon - singur
o A ajuns cel puțin în faza semifinalelor la toate cele patru turnee de Mare Șlem în 5 ani consecutivi 2005-2009 - singur

* Turneul Campionilor
o În data de 28 noiembrie 2010, în sala O2 din Londra, a câștigat finala Turneului Campionilor pentru a cincea oară în carieră, învingăndu-l pe Rafael Nadal și egalând astfel recordul de cinci trofee în această competiție, deținut de Pete Sampras și Ivan Lendl.

* Masters 1000
o A disputat 29 finale de Master Series 1000 - singur
o A câștigat 4 turnee Master 1000 pe an de două ori - singur

* Diverse
o A câștigat 24 de finale ATP consecutiv - singur
o A disputat 16 finale din 17 turnee la care a participat într-un singur sezon (2006) - singur
o Cel mai mare număr de victorii consecutive pe iarbă - 65 - singur
o Cel mai mare număr de victorii consecutive pe ciment - 56 - singur
o Minim 10 turnee ATP câștigate pe sezon timp de 3 ani consecutiv - singur
o A câștigat 12 turnee ATP într-un singur sezon (2006) - împreună cu Muster
o Deține cele mai multe titluri pe iarbă în Open Era :11 - singur
o În cele 16 finale de Mare Șlem câștigate a învins 11 oponenți diferiți.(1. Philippoussis, 2. Safin, 3. Roddick, 4. Hewitt, 5. Agassi, 6. Baghdatis, 7. Nadal, 8. Gonzalez, 9. Djokovic, 10. Murray, 11. Soderling). -singur
o Pe 19 august 2007 a câștigat al 50-lea titlu al carierei cu o victorie în fața americanului James Blake, totodată devenind al 5-lea cel mai tânăr jucător (26 de ani și 11 zile) care câștigă cel puțin 50 de titluri în carieră.
o Prin calificarea în turul secund la US Open 2009, a devenit primul tenismen din istorie care depășește 50 de milioane de dolari bani câștigați exclusiv din tenis, iar la sfârșitul anului 2010, după câștigarea Turneului Campionilor, a depășit suma de 60 de milioane de dolari

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Succes 2011: Claire Martin, english jazz singer. Winner of British Jazz Awards and BBC Jazz Awards for Best Vocalist

Claire Martin is an English jazz singer, born in Wimbledon, South London, England.
Claire Martin grew up in a house "full of music", and claims to have learned all of Judy Garland´s songs by the time she was 12. She cites Ella Fitzgerald´s Song Books as being the life changing influence which inspired her to attend Stage School and later to study singing in both New York and London. Her professional career started with her first engagement, aboard the QE2, where she sang in the Theater Bar for two years.

In 1991, at the age of 21, Martin formed her own jazz quartet, and was signed by the Scottish jazz label Linn Records. Her debut album, The Waiting Game, was extremely well reviewed and was selected by The Times as one of their "Albums of the Year". Later that year, she opened for Tony Bennett at the Glasgow International Jazz Festival.

Martin continued performing and recording, garnering numerous awards and rave reviews, throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, including awards from the British Jazz Awards and BBC Jazz Awards for Best Vocalist. She recorded a total of 11 albums (all on the Linn label). Apart from touring Europe, she also works as a co-presenter for Jazz Line Up on BBC Radio 3.

She has collaborated with the jazz composer and performer Sir Richard Rodney Bennett.

* 1992 The Waiting Game
* 1993 Devil May Care
* 1994 Old Boyfriends
* 1995 Off Beat
* 1997 Make This City Ours
* 1999 Take My Heart
* 2000 Perfect Alibi
* 2001 The Very Best of Claire Martin: Every Now and Then
* 2002 Too Darn Hot
* 2004 Secret Love
* 2005 When Lights Are Low
* 2007 He Never Mentioned Love
* 2009 A Modern Art

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Succes 2011: Béla Lugosi Jr, fiul celebrului "vampir" hollywoodian născut la Lugoj

Bela George Lugosi also known as Bela Lugosi, Jr. is the son of Béla Lugosi. A California attorney, his legal actions in Lugosi v. Universal Pictures, led to the creation of the California Celebrities Rights Act. He was an executive at Comedy III Productions, which owned the licensing rights to the Three Stooges.

Béla Lugosi, Jr. has been among those who felt notorious filmmaker Edward D. Wood, Jr. exploited his father's stardom, taking advantage of the fading actor when he could not refuse any work.
Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó (20 October 1882 – 16 August 1956) commonly known as Béla Lugosi, was an actor of stage and screen. He was best known for playing Count Dracula in the Broadway play and subsequent film version. In the last years of his career he was featured in several of Ed Wood's low budget films.
Through his association with Dracula (in which he appeared with minimal makeup, using his natural, heavily accented voice), Lugosi found himself typecast as a horror villain in such movies as Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Raven, and Son of Frankenstein for Universal, and the independent White Zombie. His accent, while a part of his image, limited the roles he could play.

Lugosi did attempt to break type by auditioning for other roles. He lost out to Lionel Barrymore for the role of Rasputin in Rasputin and the Empress; C. Henry Gordon for the role of Surat Khan in Charge of the Light Brigade; Basil Rathbone for the role of Commissar Dimitri Gorotchenko in Tovarich (a role Lugosi had played on stage). He did play the elegant, somewhat hot-tempered Gen. Nicholas Strenovsky-Petronovich in International House.

It is an erroneous popular belief that Lugosi declined the offer to appear in Frankenstein due to make-up (other roles he desired which also required make-up were Cyrano de Bergerac and Quasimodo the bell ringing hunchback). Lugosi may not have been happy with the onerous makeup job and lack of dialogue.

Regardless of controversy, five films at Universal — The Black Cat, The Raven, The Invisible Ray, Son of Frankenstein, Black Friday (plus minor cameo performances in 1934's Gift of Gab) and one at RKO Pictures, The Body Snatcher — paired Lugosi with Boris Karloff. Despite the relative size of their roles, Lugosi inevitably got second billing, below Karloff. Lugosi's attitude toward Karloff is the subject of contradictory reports, some claiming that he was openly resentful of Karloff's long-term success and ability to get good roles beyond the horror arena, while others suggested the two actors were — for a time, at least — good friends. Karloff himself in interviews suggested that Lugosi was initially mistrustful of him when they acted together, believing that the Englishman would attempt to upstage him. When this proved not to be the case, according to Karloff, Lugosi settled down and they worked together amicably (though some have further commented that Karloff's on-set demand to break from filming for mid-afternoon tea annoyed Lugosi).

Universal tried to give Lugosi more heroic roles, as in The Black Cat, The Invisible Ray, and a romantic role in the adventure serial The Return of Chandu, but his typecasting problem was too entrenched for those roles to help.

Lugosi addressed his plea to be cast in non-horror roles directly to casting directors through his listing in the 1937 Players Directory, published by the Motion Picture Academy, in which he (or his agent) calls the idea that he is only fit for horror films "an error."

Mr Bela Lugosi, Jr was kind enough to send me a photo of his father in the role of Dracula, signed by him.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Johnny Depp, un excentric premiat cu Golden Globe şi Screen Actors Guild Award

John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II (born June 9, 1963) is an American actor and musician known for his portrayals of offbeat, eccentric characters in a wide variety of dramas and fantasy films. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for major roles in recent films.

Depp rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, quickly becoming a teen idol. Turning to film, he was notable as the title character of Edward Scissorhands (1990), and later found box office success in films such as Sleepy Hollow (1999), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), and Rango (2011).

He has collaborated with director and close friend Tim Burton in seven films, the most recent of which are Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) and Alice in Wonderland (2010). Depp has gained acclaim for his portrayals of people such as Edward D. Wood, Jr., in Ed Wood, Joseph D. Pistone in Donnie Brasco, Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and George Jung in Blow. More recently, he portrayed the bank robber John Dillinger in Michael Mann's 2009 film Public Enemies.

Films featuring Depp have grossed over $2.6 billion at the United States box office and over $6 billion worldwide. He has been nominated for top awards numerous times; he won the Best Actor Awards from the Golden Globes for his role in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and from the Screen Actors Guild for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Depp's first major role was in the 1984 horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street, playing the heroine's boyfriend and one of Freddy Krueger's victims. In 1986, he appeared in a secondary role as a Vietnamese-speaking private in Oliver Stone's Platoon. In 1990 he undertook the quirky title role of the Tim Burton film, Edward Scissorhands. The film's success began his long association with Burton.

Depp, a fan and long-time friend of writer Hunter S. Thompson, played a version of Thompson (named Raoul Duke) in 1998's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, based on the writer's pseudobiographical novel of the same name. Depp accompanied Thompson as his road manager on one of the author's last book tours. In 2006, Depp contributed a foreword to Gonzo: Photographs by Hunter S. Thompson, a posthumous biography published by Depp paid for most of Thompson's memorial event, complete with fireworks and the shooting of Thompson's ashes by a cannon, in Aspen, Colorado, where Thompson lived.

Critics have described Depp's roles as characters who are "iconic loners." Depp has noted this period of his career was full of "studio defined failures" and films that were "box office poison," but he thought the studios never understood the films and did not do a good job of marketing.Depp has chosen roles which he found interesting, rather than those he thought would succeed at the box office.

The 2003 Walt Disney Pictures film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a major success, in which Depp's performance as the suave pirate Captain Jack Sparrow was highly praised. Studio bosses were more ambivalent at first, but the character became popular with the movie-going public. According to a survey taken by Fandango, Depp was a major draw for audiences. The film's director, Gore Verbinski, has said that Depp's character closely resembles the actor's personality, but Depp said he modelled the character after Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Depp was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for the role.

In 2004, he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, for playing Scottish author J. M. Barrie in the film Finding Neverland. Depp next starred as Willy Wonka in the 2005 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a major success at the box office and earning him a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy.

Depp returned to the role of Jack Sparrow for the sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which opened on July 7, 2006 and grossed $135.5 million in the first three days of its U.S. release, breaking a box office record of the highest weekend tally. The next sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End, was released May 24, 2007. Depp has said that Sparrow is "definitely a big part of me", and he wants to play the role in further sequels. Depp voiced Sparrow in the video game, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp's swashbuckling sword talents as developed for the character of Jack Sparrow, were highlighted in the documentary film Reclaiming the Blade. Within the film, Swordmaster Bob Anderson shared his experiences working with Depp on the choreography for The Curse of the Black Pearl. Anderson, who also trained Errol Flynn, another famous Hollywood pirate, described in the film Depp's ability as an actor to pick up the sword to be "about as good as you can get."

Depp and Gore Verbinski were executive producers of the album Rogues Gallery, Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs and Chanteys. Depp played the title role of Sweeney Todd in Tim Burton's film adaptation of the musical, for which he won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. Depp thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and praised Tim Burton for his "unwavering trust and support."

Depp played the former Heath Ledger character in the 2009 film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus along with Jude Law and Colin Farrell. All three actors gave their salaries from the film to Ledger's daughter, Matilda. He portrayed the Mad Hatter in Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and the titular character in Rango.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Liz Hurley: Sensuous, Intuition and Pleasures

Elizabeth Jane Hurley (born 10 June 1965) is an English model and actress who became known as a girlfriend of Hugh Grant in the 1990s. In 1994, as Grant became the focus of worldwide media attention due to the global box office success of his film Four Weddings and a Funeral, Hurley accompanied him to the film's Los Angeles premiere in a plunging black Versace dress held together with gold safety pins, which gained her instant media attention.

Hurley has been associated with the cosmetics company Estée Lauder for over fifteen years since the company awarded Hurley her first modelling job at the age of 29. They have featured her as a representative and model for its products, especially perfumes such as Sensuous, Intuition, and Pleasures, since 1995. As an actress, her best known cinematic works to date have been as Vanessa Kensington in Mike Myers' hit spy comedies, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) and as the Devil in Bedazzled (2000).

Hurley started working as an actress in the late 1980s and became a model in 1995.

Hurley made her first film appearance in Aria (1987). She has since appeared in the movies Passenger 57, EDtv, Bedazzled, and Serving Sara. In 1997, she received her first and only acting award, the ShoWest Supporting Actress of the Year, for her performance in the spy spoof Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. When Hugh Grant founded and became the director of Simian Films in 1994, Hurley was credited as one of the producers for the company's two Grant vehicles, Extreme Measures (1996) and Mickey Blue Eyes (1999). In 2000, she was publicly criticised for breaking a five-month acting strike to film an Estée Lauder advertisement, for which she was fined $100,000 (£70,000 in 2000) by the Screen Actors Guild and labeled "Elizabeth Scably" by protesters.

Hurley is godmother to Patsy Kensit's son Lennon and two of David Beckham and Victoria Beckham's sons.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Internaționali români de fotbal: Ioan Andone, zis Fălcosul

Ioan Andone (n. 15 martie 1960, Șpălnaca, Alba) este un antrenor român de fotbal, care în prezent pregătește echipa FC Dinamo București. În cariera de jucător, a evoluat pentru Echipa națională de fotbal a României la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal din 1990 și, printre altele, pentru Dinamo București, fiind unul din jucătorii emblematici ai acestei echipe.

A fost component al clubului Corvinul Hunedoara. Din 1983 s-a transferat la FC Dinamo București. Are la activ un număr de 55 de selecții în prima reprezentativă, 255 meciuri în Divizia A și 35 de goluri marcate.

Ca antrenor, Andone a pregătit pînă acum Sportul Studențesc (1993-1994, 1996, 2001-2003), Universitatea Cluj (1994-1996), Petrolul Ploiești (1996-1997), Farul Constanța (1998-1999), FC Brașov (1999-2000), FC Bihor Oradea (2000-2001), Dinamo București (2003-2006), Omonia Nicosia (2006-2007), CFR Cluj (2007-2008), Al-Ettifaq (2008-2009), Al-Ahli (2009), ȚSKA Sofia (2010).

Andone a cîștigat pînă acum eventul cu două formații diferite, cu Dinamo (2004) și CFR Cluj (2008), fiind unul dintre puținii antrenori români care au reușit această performanță. În afară de acestea, a mai cîștigat în 2003 și în 2005 Cupa României cu Dinamo București.

Ioan Andone (born 15 March 1960) is a Romanian football coach and former player, who is the manager of Dinamo Bucureşti.
He made his Divizia A debut with Corvinul Hunedoara in 1979. He later went to Dinamo Bucureşti where he helped win the league title in 1984 and 1990 and the cup title in 1984, 1986 and 1990. In 1990 he was bought by Spanish team Elche for 125.000 $. Then he went on to play two seasons in the Netherlands for SC Heerenveen til 1993 where he finished his playing career.

Andone was capped 55 times and scored 2 goals for the national team, and represented his country at the 1990 World Cup.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

CNN's Play Of The Day Hero: Romulus Buia, singurul fotbalist român remarcat la FAZA ZILEI, pe postul tv american CNN

Romulus Buia (born June 15, 1970 in Baia Mare) is a Romanian football player. He was nicknamed "Figo from Berceni" by the fans of Rocar Bucharest which played the home games on a field in the Berceni Neighborhood in Bucharest, because of the similarities with the Portuguese football star Luís Figo.

Buia made his professional debut at the age of 18, playing for Minerul Cavnic in the Romanian Divizia B, before joining FC Baia Mare at the age of 19, a club also from Divizia B.

In 1991, at the age of 21, he made international debut against United States in a friendly game. He also played for Romania national football team in 1992, this time against Mexico.

FC Barcelona paid a close attention to him during the 1991-92 season. In the summer of 1992, Johan Cruijff, the Catalan side coach, invited him to train with the team but in the end the transfer did not materialised.

Buia started the 1992-93 at FC Baia Mare but was then transferred to Germinal Ekeren (3550) of Belgium during the season. He played in Belgium for two years, before being loaned back to Romania, this time at Universitatea Craiova, therefore making his debut in Romanian top league, Divizia A. In 1995 he returned to Ekeren but after at half season he terminated his contract and returned in Romania, signing a contract with Sportul Studenţesc of Bucharest, before joining again Universitatea Craiova for two seasons.

In 1998 his contract with Universitatea Craiova terminated and he failed to find another one with a top team, and therefored played for Progresul Şomcuta Mare, a team from the Romanian fourth division.

In 2000 he returned to Divizia A after signing a contract with Rocar Bucharest. After only a year he joined Dinamo Bucharest but left the team at the end of 2001 to play for Gloria Bistriţa.

In 2002 he was signed by FCU Politehnica Timişoara, where he stayed until 2005, before being sacked by the new Timişoara coach, Cosmin Olăroiu and subsequently joining Pandurii Târgu Jiu.

In the season 2005-06 he played at Minerul Valea Copcii in Liga III before signing for AS Covaci in Romanian Liga IV.

After retiring from professional football, Romulus Buia became a businessman specialising in retail.

Friday, March 11, 2011

World Boxing Champions : Leonard Doroftei versus Paul Spadafora

Leonard Dorin Doroftei (n. 10 aprilie 1970) este un fost pugilist român, campion mondial WBA la categoria semi-ușoară (61,9 kg) între 5 ianuarie 2002 și 24 octombrie 2003.

Născut la Ploiești, Leonard a început să practice boxul la vârsta de 14 ani la clubul Prahova Ploiești. Între 1986 și 1988 a cucerit în fiecare an titlul național la juniori. Mai târziu a obținut cinci titluri naționale la seniori în 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996 și 1997. A câștigat medalii de bronz la Jocurile Olimpice de la Barcelona în 1992 și la Atlanta în 1996. De asemenea, a fost campion mondial în 1995 și campion european în 1996 și 1997. Palmaresul său la amatori este de 239 de victorii și 15 înfrângeri.

În 1997 Doroftei a devenit boxer profesionist făcând un contract cu clubul canadian Interbox. Pe 5 ianuarie 2002 a cucerit titlul de campion mondial profesionist la categoria semi-ușoară a versiunii WBA, învingându-l la puncte pe argentinianul Raul Horacio Balbi. Pe 31 mai, la București, Doroftei a luptat din nou împotriva lui Balbi și de data aceasta românul s-a impus în mod clar.

Leonard Dorin Doroftei (known also as Leonard Dorin, though his family name is Doroftei; born 10 April 1970) is a Romanian former boxer, the WBA lightweight world champion from 5 January 2002 to 24 October 2003.

Born in Ploieşti, Doroftei began boxing, at the age of 14, at the Prahova Ploieşti boxing club. From 1983 to 1984, he won every Romanian national junior title. He went on to win five national senior titles in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, and 1997. He won bronze medals at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, he was declared World Champion in 1995 and European Champion in 1993 and 1992. His record as an amateur was 239 victories and 15 defeats.

In 1997, Doroftei became a professional boxer, signing with the Canadian club Interbox. On 5 January 2002 he won the WBA world lightweight title, winning in a split decision over Argentinian boxer Raul Horacio Balbi 112-115, 114-113, 115-112. On 31 May the two fought again in Bucharest; this second fight was a unanimous decision for Doroftei, 118-111, 117-112 and 118-110.
A lightweight title unification bout on 17 May 2003 with American boxer Paul Spadafora, the IBF champion, ended in a draw, 114-114, 115-113, 114-115.

On 24 October 2003, Doroftei was to fight a match against Panamanian boxer Miguel Callist. Doroftei had already announced that this would be his last professional match regardless of the result. As it turned out, the match was cancelled after Doroftei exceeded the maximum weight for lightweights at the weigh-in: he was 4¼ lb (1.9 kg) over the 135 lb (61.2 kg) weight limit, so he lost his WBA title.

On 24 July 2004, Doroftei lost his undefeated mark when he tried to get the interim WBC title, getting knocked out in two rounds by Arturo Gatti.

His record consisted of 22 wins, 1 loss and one draw, with 8 knockout wins.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

World Boxing Champions : Leonard Doroftei versus Raul Balbi

Leonard Dorin Doroftei (n. 10 aprilie 1970) este un fost pugilist român, campion mondial WBA la categoria semi-ușoară (61,9 kg) între 5 ianuarie 2002 și 24 octombrie 2003.

Născut la Ploiești, Leonard a început să practice boxul la vârsta de 14 ani la clubul Prahova Ploiești. Între 1986 și 1988 a cucerit în fiecare an titlul național la juniori. Mai târziu a obținut cinci titluri naționale la seniori în 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996 și 1997. A câștigat medalii de bronz la Jocurile Olimpice de la Barcelona în 1992 și la Atlanta în 1996. De asemenea, a fost campion mondial în 1995 și campion european în 1996 și 1997. Palmaresul său la amatori este de 239 de victorii și 15 înfrângeri.

În 1997 Doroftei a devenit boxer profesionist făcând un contract cu clubul canadian Interbox. Pe 5 ianuarie 2002 a cucerit titlul de campion mondial profesionist la categoria semi-ușoară a versiunii WBA, învingându-l la puncte pe argentinianul Raul Horacio Balbi. Pe 31 mai, la București, Doroftei a luptat din nou împotriva lui Balbi și de data aceasta românul s-a impus în mod clar.

Leonard Dorin Doroftei (known also as Leonard Dorin, though his family name is Doroftei; born 10 April 1970) is a Romanian former boxer, the WBA lightweight world champion from 5 January 2002 to 24 October 2003.

Born in Ploieşti, Doroftei began boxing, at the age of 14, at the Prahova Ploieşti boxing club. From 1983 to 1984, he won every Romanian national junior title. He went on to win five national senior titles in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, and 1997. He won bronze medals at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, he was declared World Champion in 1995 and European Champion in 1993 and 1992. His record as an amateur was 239 victories and 15 defeats.

In 1997, Doroftei became a professional boxer, signing with the Canadian club Interbox. On 5 January 2002 he won the WBA world lightweight title, winning in a split decision over Argentinian boxer Raul Horacio Balbi 112-115, 114-113, 115-112. On 31 May the two fought again in Bucharest; this second fight was a unanimous decision for Doroftei, 118-111, 117-112 and 118-110.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oldies but goldies: Walter Zenga, Uomo Ragno. Spider-Man-ul lui Inter

Walter Zenga este un fotbalist italian retras din activitate, care a jucat mult timp ca portar la Inter Milano și în echipa națională a Italiei.

Walter Zenga este un fotbalist italian retras din activitate, care a jucat mult timp ca portar la Inter Milano și în echipa națională a Italiei. A fost de asemenea membru al naționalei italiene care a terminat pe locul 4 la Olimpiada din 1984 (Los Angeles, California) și al reprezentativei care a terminat pe locul 3 Cupa Mondială din 1990, Zenga fiind titular în toate partidele.

Walter Zenga is a retired Italian footballer and current manager. He is a long-time goalkeeper for the Italian national team and Internazionale, who currently serves as head coach of UAE League team Al-Nasr.

During his playing career, Zenga was part of the Italian squad that finished fourth at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, USA and the World Cup squad that finished third in the 1990 World Cup tournament held in Italy, in which Zenga started every game for the Azzurri.

Came back to Internazionale in 1982, after starting his professional career in 1978 in the lower divisions of Italian soccer (his first team was Salernitana in Serie C1, and he also played for Savona and Sambenedettese). Zenga became Inter's starter in his second year with the team, and continued in that position for 11 seasons, until 1994, winning a scudetto in the 1988–89 season and the UEFA Cup in 1991 and 1994, his last season with the club. After being one of the backup goalkeepers (third choice) at the 1986 World Cup, Zenga became the starter when during the Euro 1988. Zenga was still first choice goalkeeper when Italy hosted the tournament in 1990, and led the team to a third-place finish during which he set a record of five consecutive clean sheets, and a total of 518 minutes without conceding a goal, a record still standing. The record was somewhat fortunate, as Czechoslovakia scored against Italy in a first round match, only for the referee to incorrectly disallow it for offside. He finished his international career with 58 caps for his country.

In 1994, Zenga transferred to Sampdoria, and then to Padova two years later. He then moved on to New England Revolution and Major League Soccer. Zenga played in goal for them in the league's second season in 1997, then left to pursue an acting career (he and his girlfriend starred in an Italian soap opera). During a game versus the Tampa Bay Mutiny in 1997, he celebrated a goal by running to the sidelines and making out with his girlfriend, as the Mutiny barely missed the open net straight from the kickoff. Zenga came back to the Revs in 1999, as a player-manager, but only lasted a year in both those positions.

During his playing career, Zenga was nicknamed Uomo Ragno (Spider-Man) due to his goalkeeping skills, especially his agility.

Succes 2010: Mihail Kalaşnikov, designerul sovietic al celebrelor arme de asalt care-i poarta numele

Designerul rus Mihail Kalaşnikov s-a născut la 10 noiembrie 1919 într-un sat siberian. Fiu de ţăran bogat, a fost deportat în timpul lui Stalin, în 1930, la vârsta de 11 ani.
Rănit în prime lupte din război, în 1941, el a fost evacuat şi a început sa proiecteze ceea ce urma să devină AK-47 în 1947.

Uzina Ijmaş, din Urali, produce anual aproape 100.000 de puşti Kalaşnikov. Circa 900.000 sunt fabricate anual fără licenţă în lume, potrivit reprezentanţilor uzinei. Mihail Kalaşnikov nu a câştigat aproape nimic din invenţia sa, utilizată de armatele din 50 de ţări.

Mozambicul a plasat kalaşnikovul pe stema naţională. Statisticile spun ca este arma cu cel mai mare succes din istorie.

Lieutenant General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov (Russian: Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников, Mihail Timofeevič Kalašnikov) (born November 10, 1919 in Russia's Southern Altai region) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) small arms designer, most famous for designing the AK-47 assault rifle, the AKM and the AK-74.
Kalashnikov's father was deported when Kalashnikov was still a boy.In his youth Kalashnikov wrote poetry, and he was expected to become a poet. He went on to write six books and has continued to write poetry all his life.
Kalashnikov was conscripted into the Red Army in 1938, and became a tank driver-mechanic, achieving the rank of senior sergeant (tank commander) serving on the T-34s of the 24th Tank Regiment, 12th Tank Division[5] stationed in Stryi before the regiment retreated after the failed counterattack at Brody, June 1941. He was wounded in combat during the defence of Bryansk, October 1941, and released for six months recuperation due to illness. While in the hospital, he overheard some soldiers complaining about the Soviet rifles of the time.

He also had bad experiences with the standard infantry weapons at the time, and so he was inspired to start constructing a new rifle for the Soviet military. During this time Kalashnikov began designing a submachine gun.

Although his first submachine gun design was not accepted into service, his talent as a designer was noticed. From 1942 onwards Kalashnikov was assigned to the Central Scientific-developmental Firing Range for Rifle Firearms of the Chief Artillery Directorate of RKKA. Later in life he claimed that the priority of simplicity and dependability in his designs was influenced by principles he had gained from reading of Russian literature and the Bible.

In 1944, he designed a gas-operated carbine for the new 7.62x39 mm cartridge; this weapon, influenced by the M1 Garand rifle, lost out to the new Simonov carbine which would be eventually adopted as the SKS; but it became a basis for his entry in an assault rifle competition in 1946. His winning entry, the "Mikhtim" (so named by taking the first letters of his name and patronymic Mikhail Timofeyevich) became the prototype for the development of a family of prototype rifles.

This process culminated in 1947, when he designed the AK-47 (standing for Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947). In 1956, the AK-47 assault rifle became the Soviet Army's standard issue rifle and went on to become Kalashnikov's most famous invention.

Since 1949, Mikhail Kalashnikov has lived and worked in Izhevsk, Udmurtia. He holds an advanced degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

After World War II, as General Designer of small arms for the Soviet Army, his design subordinates included the Germans Hugo Schmeisser, designer of the StG-44, and Werner Grüner (of MG 42 fame) who was a pioneer in sheet metal embossing technology in the 1950s.

Over the course of his career he evolved the basic design into a weapons family. The AKM ("Avtomat Kalashnikov Modernizirovanniy" - Automatic Kalashnikov Modernized) first appeared in 1963, which was lighter and cheaper to manufacture due to the use of a stamped steel receiver (in place of the AK47's milled steel receiver), and contained detail improvements such as a re-shaped stock and muzzle compensator. From the AKM he developed a squad automatic weapon variant, known as the RPK (Ruchnoi pulemyot Kalashnikova - Kalashnikov light machine gun), and also the PK (Pulemyot Kalashnikova - Kalashnikov machine gun), which used the more powerful 7.62×54R of the Mosin-Nagant rifle. The PK series is a general purpose machine gun, which is cartridge belt-fed, not magazine-fed, as it is intended to fill the heavy tripod-mounted sustained fire role as well as the light, bipod-mounted role. The common characteristics of his weapons are the simple, elegant engineering and their ruggedness and ease of maintenance in all operating conditions.

Despite estimates of some 100 million AK-47 assault rifles circulating, General Kalashnikov claims he has not profited and that he only receives a state pension. He does however own 30% of a German company Marken Marketing International (MMI), based in Solingen, that revamps trademarks and produces merchandise carrying the Kalashnikov name, such as vodka, umbrellas and knives. One of the items is a knife named for the AK-74.